Having A BabyIt’s been confirmed! How exciting!
This is the most wonderful experience that can ever happen to you.
Check out what God says about you and your baby.

1. You have been VISITED BY GOD. Conception is a divine visitation. When Sarah conceived the Bible tells us God visited her (Geneses 21:1). After Hannah dedicated Samuel to God and took him to the temple 1 Samuel 2:21 tells us that God visited Hannah and gave her five more children.

2. You are the recipient of a PRECIOUS GIFT from the hand of God. It is God who has begun the life of this child with in you. It is His gift to you (Genesis 33:5; 1 Chronicles 25:5; Psalm 127:3 and Isaiah 8:18).

3. You are CHOSEN by God to be the one to nurture this child within your womb and to bring it forth into the world. On God’s behalf, He has chosen you to prepare and mold this life for heaven (Malachi 2:15).

4. You are receiving a REWARD from the Lord (Psalm 127:3).

5. You are BLESSED and will continue to be blessed as this child is born and brings you great joy and delight (and especially as you fill your quiver and the chairs around your table!) (Genesis 1:22,28; 49:25; Deuteronomy 7:12-14; 28:4,11; 1 Chronicles 26:4-5; Psalm 112:1-2; 127:5 and 128:3-4).

6. Your body is the sanctuary where a life is being “fearfully and wonderfully” made and “intricately fashioned.” You are the nurturer of a life that God is CREATING (Psalm 139:14-15.)

7. God CARES for your unborn baby. He has already written a book, planning and recording every day of your child’s future life (Psalm 139:16).

8. You have an ARROW in the making to put in your quiver (Psalm 127:4). And God has chosen you to be the one to polish and sharpen this arrow to accomplish great things for Him

9. You have a little OLIVE PLANT growing in your womb, who will one day bless and grace your table (Psalm 128:3).

10. You are FRUITFUL which is always a sign of God’s blessing. (Genesis 1:28; 9:1,7; Leviticus 26:3,9; Psalm 128:3—cf Genesis 17:6,20; 28:3 and 35:11).

11. You have within your womb a potential PROCLAIMER of God’s testimonies and ways (Psalm 78:5-7).

12. You are preparing a CROWN to give to your parents (Proverbs 17:6 and Ruth 4:14-17).

13. You are WELCOMING God Himself to your life (Matthew 18:1-6; 19:14 and Mark 9:36-37).

14. You are embarking on a GOD-HONORING LIFESTYLE (1 Timothy 5:9-10).

15. You will experience great JOY (Psalm 113:9).

16. You can relax! God doesn’t expect you to keep up your usual pace now that you are nurturing His child. He promises to GENTLY LEAD you (Isaiah 40:11).

17.You are bearing an ETERNAL SOUL within your womb. You are now beginning an eternal mission. All the possessions you spend time procuring on earth will one day have to be left behind. The only thing you will take into eternity is your redeemed soul and the redeemed soul of your child. Motherhood is an eternal career.

18. Above all else, you are being OBEDIENT, which invokes God’s blessing. (Genesis 1:28; 9:1,7; 1 Samuel 15:22; Psalm 112:1,2 and 1 Timothy 5:14).

Therefore Rejoice!

“He will love you, bless you, and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb” (Deuteronomy 7:13).


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