We talked yesterday about deception. Peace is another area where we can be deceived. People often say that have peace about something, but really it is just a RELIEF from their circumstances.

Women have said to me, "I felt peace about leaving my husband." Now, I do believe a woman should leave her husband if her life and children are in danger from a violent man. However, many leave their husbands for very weak excuses. And I will also concede that they may feel "peace," especially if they have been experiencing tension, trauma, and constant arguing in their marriage. But, the true fact of the matter is that it is a relief from the turbulent situation. It is not an indication of the true peace of God which we can experience in the midst of turbulence.

I have had other women say to me, "Oh I had such peace once I had my tubal ligation." Once again, they were not experiencing the peace God speaks about. They were experiencing RELIEF! "I don't have to worry about using contraception anymore" or "I don't have to be bothered with having any more babies," they think. It's not the peace God talks about when we put a stop to the way God created us. It's relief!

True peace does not go against the will of God, no matter how you feel (John 14:27). Once again we must guard against being deceived.

Love from Nancy

Check out these Scriptures: Isaiah 29:16; 45:9-10; 64:8; Romans 9:20-21 and Romans 12:1-2.


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