Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

But what did Jesus say? “No house divided against itself will stand” (Matthew 12:25 ESV).
Here ae a few more translations:
“A family splintered by feuding will fall apart” (NLT).
“Every household divided against itself will not survive” (CJB)
“Any household that is disunited cannot last” (Goodspeed).
Do we want our marriage to last? Do we want our home and family to stand together to the end? Well, we have the answers. We must keep the spirit of unity. We must cultivate togetherness. We must work toward harmony. In fact, Romans 12:16 tells us to “Live in harmony with one another” (most translations).
Now that doesn’t mean we have to agree on everything! Help! If that was the case, we would be in disarray. I have a very independent and outspoken family and we all have differing views on many things. But that doesn’t hinder our unty.
In fact, we love discussions and debates together, often having different views but enjoy the sharpening of one another’s minds. As my husband says, “We don’t have to agree with each other on everything as long as we love one another.”
Therefore, even in our differences, we seek to keep unity. We seek to keep a good attitude. We keep forgiving. We keep loving. We forbear with one another. And most of all, we keep the unity.
What is our challenge?
Build a marriage that will last.
Build a family that will survive the ups and downs and all the traumas and difficulties that we all face in life.
Build a home that will not fall apart!
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. A good way to do this is to put into practice all the ONE ANOTHER Scriptures that God gives us in His Word (41 of them!). You can find these in 100 DAYS OF BLESSING, Volume 4.
Available from www.aboverubies.org