richDo you want to be rich? I do. However, there are two kinds of riches. We can either be heaping up riches for ourselves, or heaping up riches toward God (Luke 12:21). Our true riches are in the eternal realm of course. However, there are godly riches we can have in this life, too.

What do you think are the riches we can have in this life? I want to hear from you and hope you will post your thoughts. In the meantime, I'll share some of the things I am thinking about.

KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING GOD ( Jeremiah 9:23-24). We were created to fellowship with God. If we do not know Him we miss out on what we were born for. We are poor and foolish.

A HAPPY MARRIAGE (Proverbs 12:4). A couple can live in the richest home and have money to burn, but if they are not living in harmony and happiness together, they are poor.

CONTENTMENT (1 Timothy 6:6). If you are content and happy with what you have, even if it is only a little, you are rich.

CHILDREN (Deuteronomy 7:13; Psalm 127:3-5). Our children are truly our greatest riches in this life (and praise God, we can take them into eternity with us, too)! If a fire came through your home, what would you try to save? You'd forget about all your material possessions; you'd only want to save your children. And yet, isn't it amazing how many people would rather have fleeting possessions than children?

GOOD WORKS (2 Corinthians 6:10; 1 Timothy 5:10; 6:18). When we self-serving and doing everything for ourselves, we are very poor. When we forget about our own life and serve others, always thinking of how we can bless those around us, we live a rich life.

FAITH (James 2:5). Faith is so rich because it trusts God rather than what we can see. We don't hold back having children because of unbelief. We know that God is able to provide. Hallelujah! What richness! We may not have much materially, but we've all we need.

GOD'S WORD (Colossians 3:16). If God's word dwells in us RICHLY, our spirit will be strong and steadfast. If God's Word is shallow in our hearts, our spirit will be starving and we will be weak and impotent to live this life.

I love the confession of Paul in 2 Corinthians 6:10, "As poor, YET MAKING MANY RICH; as having nothing, AND YET POSSESSING ALL THINGS." One translation says, "Penniless, we own the world!" That's my confession!

I'll look forward to your thoughts.

Love from Nancy Campbell

SONS OF GOD WALK WITH GOD continued. - 8

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