bodytempleWe have been talking about how David longed and pined to dwell in the "lovely" dwelling place of God (Psalm 84:1). But the half has not been told! Not only can we dwell in God's presence, but He wants to dwell in us! In days gone by God dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle, and then the temple. But now God has a different dwelling place. When Jesus died upon the cross the thick curtain that separated the Holy of Holies was torn apart. Now He comes to dwell in our hearts.

First Corinthians 6:19 tells us that we who are born again by the Spirit of God and cleansed by the blood of Jesus have become the dwelling place of God. The word "temple" in this Scripture is "naos" and literally means "the Holy of Holies." This is too awesome to take in. God wants your body to be His Holy of Holies where He can abide. In John 15:4 Jesus not only said, "Abide in me," but He also said, "and I in YOU."

The big question is: is my heart and my body a "lovely" place for the dwelling place of God? Is He welcome? Does He feel at home in my heart? Is it a holy place?

And what about our homes? God is a dwelling God who loves to dwell in our hearts, but He also wants to fill our homes with His presence. Are our homes a beloved place for God? Does He delight to dwell in our homes? Some mothers think their role in the home is insignificant. Nothing could be further from the truth. Apart from the most powerful career of nurturing and training the next generation who will impact the nation and the world for good or evil, you have the glorious task of making your home a lovely, delightful, and holy place for the King of Kings.

Ask God to show you anything in your home that grieves His Holy Spirit. Ask Him how to show you how to make your home a suitable place for His presence.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if God could say of our hearts and homes, "How lovely is your dwelling place."

Love from Nancy Campbell

The World Needs Mothers

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