Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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Here are just a few quotes of thousands I could give you of the agenda of our public education system:
John Goodlad who was the former dean of University of California, Los Angeles[ Graduate School of Education and who has promoted many educational reform programs states:
“Parents do not own their children. They have no ‘natural right’ to fully control their education.” And again: “Public education has served as a check on the power of parents, and this is another powerful reason for maintaining it.”
Two more quotes from Goodlad: “Most youth still hold the same values as their parents. If we don’t alter this pattern, if we don’t socialize, our system will decay.” And “A standardized curriculum of basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic cannot prepare people to participate in democracy. Enlightened social engineering is required to face situations that demand global action now.”
~ John R. Goodlad
John J. Dunphy who believes the Bible is “a dangerous book” wrote the following in The Humanist magazine, 43:1: “These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication of the most rabid fundamentalist preacher, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level—preschool, daycare, or large state university. The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new—the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Chistian ideal of “love thy neighbor” will finally be achieved.”
Samuel Blumenfeld, author of eight books on education wrote: “The most potent and significant expression of statism is a State educational system. Without it, statism is impossible. With it the State can, and has, become everything.”
He also stated: “The plain unvarnished truth is that public education is a shoddy, fraudulent piece of goods sold to the public at an astronomical price. It’s time the American consumer knew the extent of the fraud which is victimizing millions of children each year.”
Ed Martin states: “The leftists believe the state owns the children. That’s why they are working overtime across the country to completely erode and destroy parental involvement and consent from their children, especially when it comes to transgender counseling and surgeries, or underage girls being pressured into abortions.
“The treachery is unconscionable, but it’s happening right now – don’t think your school is immune! When the government owns its people, there’s no room left for liberty. The Biden Administration needs to hear this message from We the Parents loud and clear: “NO!”
I could continue filling pages. I think it is very sad that many God-fearing parents unwittingly send their children to be taught humanistic propaganda each day, the opposite of everything they believe. We as parents have the responsibility to protect and guard our children’s minds and souls. Our greatest task is to fill them richly with God’s truth, daily. Every day. Until their minds and hearts are filled with it. And it is coming out of their mouths (Isaiah 591).
Do the truths of God’s words come out of your children’s mouths? Do they have a biblical mindset or a humanist mindset? Do you really know?
“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night” (Psalm 1:1, 2).
And it’s not only the influence of daily brainwashing of humanism filling their brains but the influence of their peers. As children move into their teen years, it is their peers that will influence and steer them far more than their parents. We must also guard who they make friends with. Proverbs 13:20 says: “He who walks with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
Are you guarding and protecting your children? Are they filled with God's word? Do they have godly friendships?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell