Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

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The vision for Meat for Men — UNCOMPROMISING MANHOOD blog is to encourage husbands, fathers and single men in Biblical manhood.


WhatItTakesPsalm 11:3: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

We must beseech God as never before, that we, and the people of this country will not be deceived.

All of a sudden, with the passing of the Supreme Court Judge, Antonin Scalia, this election has taken on a whole new impetus. This election is now deeply rooted in the founding documents of our nation. Religious freedom protects the rights of the religious beliefs of all peoples. The Christian citizens of this nation should not have to bow down to the demands of the homosexual agenda. I myself feel very deeply about this and I do not believe that someone’s business should have to serve the homosexual community by being forced to bake them a wedding cake, etc.

Likewise, Christian hospitals should not be forced to provide against fundamental beliefs. The Catholic Sisters hospital being forced to provide contraception, sterilization or abortions, or pay fines etc. is against the religious rights of these people’s beliefs.

The financing and support for Planned Parenthood groups is taken out of taxpayer’s pockets and multitudes of Christians find this offensive.

Our Supreme Court is all about the preservation and interpretation of the founding documents on which this nation was built. Because Supreme Court justices are appointed for life, a two-faced wolf in sheep’s clothing should not even be considered for election for the nation’s presidency. Donald Trump promises to make this country great, rich, and powerful again. Many shallow Christians put this before the foundational, conservative truths on which this country was founded. I ask the question: what is the point of voting in someone to make America rich, powerful, and great at the expense of losing our constitutional rights and liberties? What is the point of building a mansion or castle if the foundations are soon to collapse?

Donald Trump does not in any way have a proven track record on conservative values. In fact, his track record shows that he is a democrat. He states in public that he was always opposed to the Iraq war. However, Glen Beck shares that in one of his books he reveals the opposite, especially at the beginning of the war.

Both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are strongly for another Scalia type Supreme Court judge and both could be trusted to preserve the foundations of our nation. However, I definitely favor Ted Cruz to be the strongest of the two.

Our nation is being sifted by God to see if we still have what it takes to preserve the conservative values that have been the strong foundations of our past.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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BattleHeatsUpThe battle for our nation is heating up even more. Now that the Supreme Court Judge, Antonin Scalia, has passed away, it puts the conservative cause in a very precarious position. President Obama will undoubtedly seek to elect a liberal judge to take his position. This would tip the delicate balance of interpreting and making final judgment on the American supreme legal system in favor of liberalism. It would affect the very tenuous stand we already have on such important values as abortion, planned parenthood, the right to bear arms, the homosexual agenda on gay marriage, and the list goes on.

Even if the House and Senate were able to stall the election of a liberal judge, proposed and appointed by President Obama until a new president is sworn into the oval office, what happens if “we the people” vote in a liberal-minded president?

It is not only a democratic president that we should be concerned about, but a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” republican president.

We, the citizens of this great country who confess we fear and trust in God must now intensify our fervent prayer, and even some fasting. We must pray that God will enable His people to have true, godly discernment and get behind a true, proven-by-experience, God-fearing, constitution-loving, uncompromising candidate who will lead this country with courage and godly wisdom.

Although I would not say no to Marco Rubio, I believe that the right man to get behind is Ted Cruz. I know it’s not politically correct to espouse any one candidate in the Christian community. However, I for one, do not believe in political correctness. It’s time for God’s people to put our antennas up to Heaven and seek God as to who we can get behind and support.

We must be very cautious that we do not get behind an unknown candidate who does not have a previous track record in conservative values. Why are “evangelicals” enamored with someone just because they are pushy, showy, rich, and successful in wheeling and dealing? Good talkers do not necessarily make good presidents as our current president proves.

We must be careful not to get behind a candidate because some religious celebrity has endorsed a certain man. I am very disappointed at the shallowness of some of our respected celebrities. The moral future of our nation hangs in the balances and we as a people need to draw closer to God and get His wisdom, right now.

This is such an important time in our history and your prayers can make a difference.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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SHOULD WE VOTE? continued

ShouldWeVote21Timothy 2:1-4 states: “I exhort therefore, that, FIRST OF ALL, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior:
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”

I cannot help think that it is narrow-minded for people to think that God is not interested in our nation’s politics. The above Scriptures says that “FIRST OF ALL” we are to pray “for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority.” We have to some political knowledge in order to include them in our “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.” And for very important reasons: “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” and that we will have an environment where people can “come unto the knowledge of the truth.”

Some say, “Yes, we should pray for them, but we should not vote for them.” I agree that we should not put our signature or vote toward an ungodly candidate. However, we can further the cause of righteousness by voting into office a God-fearing, praying, constitution-loving, and promise-keeping candidate.

In this great country, “WE THE PEOPLE,” have the privilege of having a say in how this country should be governed. If we cast our vote for a righteous leader, we help and assist the cause of righteousness. If we do not vote for the candidate who has the best track record of godly values, then we are fatalistic and irresponsible. There is something terribly wrong with a nation or its people when they become too religious to vote for the cause of righteousness and godly leadership.

It seems to me that the one man (I’m thinking of Ted Cruz) who many think is unelectable because he will not compromise his convictions is indeed the right man we should vote for. What does the Bible say? “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ShouldWeVoteSome Christians think God is not interested in a nation’s politics. Therefore, they surmise that pastors and Christian leaders should not promote any particular candidate, nor should they voice their own political opinions to others in any way, shape, or form. They believe Christian leaders should keep their teaching and exhortations entirely to spiritual matters only. I personally respect these people’s opinions.

However the basis of their argument cannot be supported by Scripture. Spirituality and righteousness are required of all men, in every aspect of our lives-church attendance, our marriage, our family life, our career, the organizations we belong to, and our political persuasions.

It would not be scriptural to think that God was only involved with the spiritual laws of Israel, which would have centered around the priesthood and Mosaic covenant. Seeking and waiting upon God in order to live our lives according to His will is most important, but to say that the secular leadership of the kings of Israel, along with their governmental officials, was not important enough to be addressed by the spiritual leadership, is a far cry from the truth.

All the true prophets of God were used by God to exhort, encourage, and warn the kings and leaders of Israel whether they were in the priesthood, the secular, or judicial system of Israel. The leadership of the kings of Israel were addressed, even by the law, well before Israel decided to chose a king to reign over them (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). If God was not interested enough to be involved in secular leadership, why would He give such detailed instructions?

In Romans 13:1-7, followers of Christ are exhorted to be subject to the higher powers (governments). Verses 1-2 say: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.” In verse 5 we are exhorted to pay tribute or taxes.

As citizens of this country we are privileged to have a say in who will govern us as president for the next four to eight years. It is in our godly interests to vote into leadership those who will not oppose our Christian/Judea values. I believe it is of vital importance to have a president who opposes gay marriage, abortion, and all the things we as Christians hold sacred. If we have an opportunity to vote in someone who will uphold our constitution and govern the affairs of this nation in the fear of God, then we should encourage, by all means, others to get behind that candidate.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ProlifeThe current GOP candidates all say they are pro-life. However, some are not totally pro-life, but compromise according to circumstances. They are happy to kill a baby in the womb because it was conceived through rape. And yet, if someone ended the life of that same person years later, they would be guilty of murder:

Ted Cruz: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.
Marco Rubio: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.
Ben Carson: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.

Donald Trump: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Jeb Bush: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Chris Christie: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
John Kasich: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Carly Fiorina: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.

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GodProLifeWho should we elect to be our next president? A very important question. As a nation we stand on the brink of a very important election which will test our national discernment.

In 1 Chronicles 12:32 we read of the children of Issachar “which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”

This was an important time in the beginning of Israel’s history of choosing a king to reign over them. Saul, Israel’s first king, sadly lacked the qualities required by God to rule over Israel and now God chose David to be the second king of Israel.

Israel was made of twelve tribes of people and David could not rule over them all until they all received discernment and understanding that David, who was from the tribe of Judah, was indeed God’s chosen king.

The question is: will the citizens of USA have the correct discernment to elect the right man to be president over this nation for the next four to eight years?

In the last debate in New Hampshire, two of the candidates were asked their stance on abortion. These candidates both clearly stated they were pro-life and told of all the pro-life things they had done in their states. But at the same time they said they believed in exceptions for rape and incest.

That is double talk. To be pro-life, and yet make exceptions for rape and incest, is not to be truly pro-life. There are many testimonies of women who have been raped and conceived, and yet still chose not to have an abortion. The children have been raised and nurtured in Christian homes and turned out to be excellent Christians, some now in full time service for Christ.

Obviously, a child born from a victim of rape would not be deemed worthy of death outside of the womb. Have we become so callous as to think that this is acceptable? Perhaps because it is more mature than selling the body parts of unborn babies in a gruesome market?

Because there are some who lie on this matter of rape, it is too easy to make this sort of exception. To be pro-life one should not have any exceptions, for life in the womb is sacred to God, and only He knows the real truth of how their life came to be conceived.

We must not play God on this matter anymore because millions and millions of precious unborn babies have been slaughtered in the womb of our nation’s mothers. Exceptions to pro-life amount to be pro-choice.

Please check out the list of candidates and their position regarding abortion.

Be encouraged to have godly discernment.

Colin Campbell

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FaceSkyLuke 12:56; “Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?”

Hebrews 5:14: “Strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

Discernment is the ability to assembly all the facts and make judgment. It is the ability to read the signs.

When a nation lacks discernment it becomes vulnerable to all types of attack. When the military lacks discernment, they give their enemies a huge advantage. When a doctor lacks discernment, the patient could be given a false medication, which could be disastrous. When a pastor church lacks discernment, the enemy has a heyday in many ways (Ezekiel 44:23).

When parents have poor discernment regarding the schooling, friendships, and media in which their children are involved, they do not discern the battle afar off. But it will surely come upon them. make no mistake about it.

Democracy fails when people do not have godly discernment. They are short-sighted and cannot see the distant battle racing toward them.

Our country currently faces a huge battle demonstrated by the amount of people who prefer Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders to be president. Both are tarred with the same brush of liberal socialism. Our country did not smell the battle afar off and now it has come upon us.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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HeightendSensesJob 39:25: “He smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting.”

The warhorse has heightened senses. He is warned by the smell of the battle. Even though the battle is far off he can still smell it, hear it, and taste it.

Spiritually speaking, our senses need to be heightened to know where the enemy is attacking. We have become desensitized toward so much of the world, the flesh, and the devil because we have lost our spiritual sense of smell. It is much better for us to smell the battle afar off so that we can prepare ourselves and be ready to defend ourselves.

Naturally speaking, our senses are given to us to protect and entice us. If we lose our sense of smell we become more vulnerable to danger. Often the smell of fire warns us that we had better quickly check the house or the car lest we have a problem that we cannot contain or fix.

Many marriages could be saved if spiritual senses were alerted earlier, instead of waiting to try and fix the problem when it’s already too late. There are many battles that could be averted or won if only we smell them while they are still afar off.

To be continued.

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell

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LaughFaithIt’s high time for the true people of God to begin laughing the laugh of faith. There is such a thing as the laugh of faith and there is such a thing as the laugh of unbelief.

The warhorse that prances and charges among the trumpets is not laughing in unbelief. Absolutely not. He laughs at the utter foolishness of the enemy because he knows from whom his strength and salvation come. The Lord Sabbaoth (the God of armies) is riding on his back.

A church or people who have no intimate relationship with the fighting ability, strength, wisdom, and power of Christ cannot laugh in the midst of battle. Instead they murmur, grumble, cry, and flee.

Psalm 78:9-11 states: “The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying vows, turned back in the day of battle. They kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk in his law; And forgot his works, and his wonders that he had showed them.”

It is all very well to laugh, sing, rejoice, and dance when the battle is over, but who can do these things when the battle rages? Only in Christ.

Abraham laughed the laugh of unbelief when God told him Sarai would bear him a son and her name would now be Sarah (queen or mother of princes). Abraham reasoned that he was 100 years old and Sarah 90 years old. It was laughable! He wanted Ishmael to be his heir (Genesis 17:15-18). However, Ishmael, the son of Hagar (Sarah’s bondmaid) was prophesied to be a wild man and against every man and every man against him (Genesis 16:11, 12), not the type of man through whom God wanted to bring the covenanted Promised Seed (Christ).

Sarah also laughed in unbelief when God told her she would bear a son (Genesis 18:12-15). But Sarah would indeed have a son and his name would be called Isaac, meaning laughter. Genesis 18:14 says: “ Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”

However, in Genesis 21:6 we read about Sarah laughing the laugh of faith: “And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.”

Mary also laughed the laugh of faith when she received the news that she was chosen to bring forth the long promised Messiah. When God encouraged Mary, “For with God nothing shall be impossible,“ she responded with the language of faith, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:27, 28).

What was Mary’s song of praise? “My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46, 47). Sounds like laughing to me!

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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HisListeningEarJob 39:25: “He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha.”

People may laugh, but God will always have the last laugh. Psalm 2:4 says: “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.”

The warhorse described in Job 39 is a well-trained horse. In a proverbial sense he is like the horse that Jesus Christ, the Conqueror of conquerors rides upon in Revelation 19:11.

Are you familiar with the words of “Chariot of Fire”? The words are by Jack Hayford to the tune used in the move, “Chariots of Fire.”

I rise up to worship,
I stand to acclaim,
The King of all Glory,
Christ Jesus, His name.
I ask you Lord Jesus,
Fulfill my desire;
Please light me and make me
A Chariot of Fire

Come ride on my life,
Lord Jesus Christ;
My King and my Master
Come ride on my life,
To this one thing
I wholly aspire.

Come rule in my heart,
Lord Jesus Christ;
My King and my Master
Come ride on my life
And I will be your Chariot of Fire.

It is true, by giving ourselves to come against principalities and powers we can also become great battle horses that King Jesus will be glad to ride upon. Perhaps one of the many reasons why this battle horse laughs “Ha ha” amongst the trumpets is because he hears the trumpet of his rider, King Jesus. His great voice is like the sound of a trumpet (Revelation 1:10, 11).

Jesus says in John 10:217: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Likewise, this well-trained warhorse (or sheep) is extremely tuned to the trumpet voice of its rider who is the Alpha and Omega. This trumpet voice he listens to in the midst of all the battles of life causes him to laugh loudly, Ha ha.

There are many riders blowing their trumpets, but perhaps there are many horses that are not as privileged as we are, for in the midst of all the trumpets, we can hear His voice which causes us to laugh, Ha ha.

Paul had a message of comfort and hope in the midst of a ship wreck (Acts 27:23). He was able to laugh at the storm. Do you remember the old song, “With Christ in my vessel I will smile at the storm”? Peter also said Ha ha to the raging sea when Jesus asked him to come and walk on the water.

Upon hearing the trumpet voice of its master encouraging him on, the true warhorse says Ha ha. This is the language of faith.

The battle for the right president continues to rage. What trumpet is the Christian church listening to? Are they tuned into the One who rides the white horse? Ha ha.

You may also be interested in the thoughts of Joel Roseburg, a renowned Christian author: http://www.wnd.com/…/christian-mega-author-trump-absolute-…/

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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StandForTruthJob 39:24: “Neither believeth he that it is the sound of the trumpet.”

Job’s warhorse has only an ear for battle. If the sound of the trumpet says, “Retreat,” he does not believe it. If the trumpet says, “Stand Down.” as at Benghazi where brave men died because they put American lives and honor before the trumpet of neutrality and indecisiveness.

These navy seals were true warhorses. They would not accept the trumpet call to stand down, even in the face of death. These men knew that whoever was blowing the trumpet to “Stand Down” was out of touch with truth and honor. To stand down when an American consulate, along with all the staff, were about to be overrun by blood thirsty terrorists could not be accepted, even if it came from the White House. It’s high time that the American warhorse be unshackled from the chains of feministic diplomacy.

Likewise, the Christian church needs to wake up and realize that if it’s going to win in the battle against the hordes of darkness, it needs to have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches (Revelation 2:17).

One thing for sure, the trumpet that sounds from Heaven does not call for its warhorses to stand down. It never has said “Stand Down” and it never will say “Stand Down.” Let’s have a thousand Amen’s to that!

We must not listen to those who stand behind polished pulpits and never challenge us towards spiritual warfare. If the church does not learn to wrestle and fight with the powers of darkness, how can we ever win?

We must be very careful who we listen to in this hour. There is something wrong if the trumpet does not call us to prayer. Or to engage in battle. Especially in this crucial hour with failing marriages, crumbling families, and all manner of advancing evil.

All evangelical leaders need to examine their trumpets at this election hour to see whether they are calling on their members to vote for a man who has used his own trumpet to the cause of righteousness or evil in his past. We must be careful not to lay hands on a man suddenly if his track record is questionable No matter how appealing he may be, if his record is dubious and clouded, stay away from his trumpet.

I do not believe we should listen to the trumpet of a billionaire who has amassed his fortunes through gambling casinos. What are these evangelical leaders thinking about? There is something very wrong with their trumpets, as well as their hearing. What foolishness.

1 Timothy 5:22 says: “Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.”

Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The trumpet call obey:
Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day;
Ye that are men now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.

Ezekiel 33:3-6 states: “When he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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HisZealJob 39:24: “He swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage.” This describes the warhorse speeding along, motivated by anger and rage. I think the terminology used here of “swallowing the ground” means that the distance between him and the target is quickly diminished by the adrenalin rush, the righteous indignation and fierce rage that possesses the spirit of the warhorse.

Politically speaking, we now live in a world where all anger and rage are regarded as evil. Tolerance is the politically correct attitude toward all evil. No one is allowed to be angry at evil. As a result, western nations have become “milk toast” and mushy.

We are taught that civilized people should never get angry at anything, let alone evil. We are told we must take our time in the face of evil and must never rush to identify the target in case we hit the wrong one. We are told that our war planes cannot drop bombs on ISIS in case there are innocent civilians in the building, in the oil tanker or truck, etc. The rules of engaging the enemy have now become so feminized and emasculated that we can no longer win a war.

In the meantime the enemy punches us right between the eyes and scoffs at our so-called tolerant and sissy behavior. There are too many progressive, socialist, educators both within the church and the nation who want to destroy and take away our manhood. They want to take away our guns and fighting spirit. They want to turn us into a bunch of jelly fish wimps.

We see a different spirit in David. 1 Samuel 17:45-47 states: “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’S, and he will give you into our hands.”

Verse 48 tells us : “And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David HASTED, AND RAN toward the army to meet the Philistine.” In the face of great danger, David is filled with the same spirit of Job’s battle horse. He ran towards the enemy.

As believers, we are called to do battle with God’s enemies. We are to be “slow to anger” with one another, but never with the devil. We should not drag our feet to man the battle stations, the prayer meetings, where we fight it out with the devil.

Ephesians 6:12 says: “For we wrestle (hand to hand combat) not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

May God hasten our steps to run to the prayer meetings where we can start slinging our stones at the Lord’s enemies. It’s high time for us who dare to call ourselves Christians to get really mad at the devil, and not at each other. Tolerance can only be towards each other as brethren, but not towards sin or the powers that tempt us to sin.

We need to be clothed with the zeal of the Lord, the same zeal that caused Jesus to cast out the money changers in the temple (John 2:15-17). It’s high time we 21st century Christians cast off this wimpy tolerance toward evil and become eaten up by the same zeal for God’s house that Jesus had.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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HisArmorJob 39:23: “The quiver rattleth against him, the glittering spear and the shield.”

The church must wake up to the battle that, never for a single day, ceases to rage against the cause of Christ. Every born again believer, without exception, must quickly come to the realization that they have a divine calling upon their lives to fight, resist, and stand solidly against the armies of hell.

We must clearly understand that we have not been purchased by the redeeming precious blood of Christ to have an easy life of self-pleasing and catering to the desires of our flesh while the enemy tears our nation’s morality to shreds.

How is it possible for us to not stand up and resist the ever-increasing holocaust of abortion, abuse of alcohol, drugs, marriage and family breakdown, sexual abuse within the church, let alone resisting it in the world which is outside the church. It will only get worse until we, the true church, rise up and mount our own white battle horses. We must willingly follow our Commander in Chief, The Lord Jesus Christ, who has already mounted His white horse and leads the charge against the enemy.

It’s time to get rattled by the rattling quivers. God’s warhorse gets rattled (yes, angry) at the sound of the enemy’s rattling quivers. King David was rattled (angry and indignant) at the arrogancy and mockery of the Philistine giant, Goliath (1 Samuel 17:41-47).

David says in verses 45-46: “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee: and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth: that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.”

Jesus Himself was rattled (righteously indignant) as the quivers of the devil rattled against him with the buying and selling in the temple (John 2:13-17).

What’s it going to take to get the sleeping church righteously angry at the enemy? Has our present leadership in Washington DC not rattled our cages enough? When will we say, “Enough is enough”?

Are we tempted right now to elect an immoral, compromising president who will lead the country into more immorality and sin? Are we not rattled enough to bust out of our cages and elect a president who will stand up against abortion, same-sex marriage, and all the evils of our times?

But that is just the beginning. The riders of God’s battle horses realize that the battle is only won through prayer and daily intercession. Yes, it is time to get mad at the devil who cleverly sucks us into lethargy, sin, and deception. In Ephesians 6:11-18 Paul exhorts us to “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (v. 11).

And he gives reasons why:

1. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (v. 12).

2. “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (v. 18).

Only when we do these two things can we effectively ride the white horse of Revelation 19:11 and follow our Commander in chief into battle.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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PersistenceWe continue studying the characteristics of the warhorse.

Job 39:22: “Neither turneth he back from the sword.”

Job’s description of the warhorse states that it will never turn back from the sword. Though swords flash all around it, it still charges forward. There is not an atom of retreat in God’s warhorse.

There is no retreating in God’s service. God’s warhorses always charge onward. “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war” is a mockery to a retreating church.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!

Such a magnificent song should never be sung by those who have no understanding of spiritual warfare.

Song of Solomon 6, 10 describes the church as “Terrible (majestic, inspiring) as an army with banners.” These banners display the declaration of God’s truths which are an awesome sight to behold. Psalm 60:4 says: “Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.”

In Revelation 19:11 the Commander in Chief of the church, Jesus Christ, rides a white warhorse. White represents purity and righteousness. Jesus Christ was called “Faithful and True” and all those who followed Him also rode white horses. Revelation 19:14 says: “And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.”

They would never follow a Commander in Chief who made his reputation through building gambling casinos and all the sexual perversions that go with it. They would never follow a Commander in Chief whose wife posed herself nude for a pornographic magazine in Europe.

Men, we are in a great spiritual battle for the souls of the citizens of USA. We had better make sure the one we elect to follow as Commander in Chief is riding a pure white horse, as much as possible for an American president to ride.

He must be one who is faithful and true to his word--the testimony and character of one who is worthy to rule. He should not have a track record of flip-flopping on major issues of morality and justice. There should be no signs of retreat from the foundational truths on which our nation was founded.

I wonder, could it be that a people who lack moral backbone, who themselves flip-flop all over the place regarding morality, could easily elect a Commander in Chief who will hopefully amass them more money to follow more of their lusts?

I believe this is what we face in these coming elections. We must not retreat from the sword of our enemies. Never. But we will retreat if we as a nation, and as a church, do not take a strong stand for righteousness and truth. Righteous morality is the only thing that gives us backbone.

May we never be like the Ephraimites. Psalm 78:9-10 says: “The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle. They kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk in his law.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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WickedFleeJob 39:22: “He mocketh at fear and is not affrighted”

Proverbs 29:1 says, “The righteous are bold as a lion.” Just as the warhorse mocks at fear, even so we should mock at the enemy’s strategy to put fear upon us. Fear is debilitating. It paralyses the strongest of men. A physically small man that has no fear is stronger than a physically strong man who is full of fear.

In Judges chapter seven, we read how Gideon and a small army of only 300 men put to flight and destroyed an army which could not be numbered. Judges 7:12 says they were “like grasshoppers for multitude; and their camels were without number, as the sand by the seaside for multitude.”

What happened when Gideon’s men exposed themselves from their hiding places in the darkness of night, blowing their 300 trumpets, breaking their 300 pitchers, revealing their 300 lamps, and shouting with 300 voices all at once? Judges 7:21 states: “All the host ran, and cried and fled.”

What an amazing miracle. What God can do with only 300 men! I’m sure that God caused those 300 trumpets to sound like three million trumpets and the sound of the breaking of the pitchers and shouting of voices to sound like a gigantic roar.
These 300 men of Israel were not afraid and surely mocked at the fear that possessed the vast multitude.

Daniel mocked fear as he ran against the giant Philistine.

Psalm 91:5 says: “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day.”

If we fear the Lord we will never fear the enemy. When Satan tries to bring fear into our lives because of the unknown, finances, economic collapse, or being scared to fight it out in the battles of life, we should recognize where that fear comes from and start mocking it.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ResolutenessJob 39:21: “He goeth on to meet the armed men.”

The warhorse is not afraid of confrontation. He expects it and willingly marches on to meet it. He knows that confrontation and battling it out with the enemy is what he was born for.

Immediately following Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1-11). Verse 2 says: “And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights.” Spiritual warfare requires the discipline of the spirit and this is where prayer and fasting is very important.

Prayer and fasting deny the flesh its appetites and tune the spiritual senses to high alert. Fasting and prayer make us not only more alert, but also more aware of the enemy’s strategies. They save us from being caught off-handed by some surprise attack or broad-sided by the enemy.

The devil hit Jesus at His physically weakest moment: “He was afterward hungry.” However, through fasting and prayer Jesus was well prepared for the devil’s armed attack. An unarmed enemy is called a “soft target,” but strangely enough, in this instance, the enemy (the devil) was armed with Scripture as well as darts of doubts as to Jesus being the true Son of God. We are living in a time when many of God’s people are deceived by preachers and teachers, who like the devil, twist the Scriptures and quote them out of context. The true doctrine of Scripture is not what one Scripture on its own has to say, but rather what all the Scriptures have to say on a particular subject.

I am sure the discipline of Jesus’ fasting and prayer would have given him a far greater advantage to respond with a powerful impact of what the Scriptures really had to say. Jesus said: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Job 8:32). Jesus did not know a little truth; He knew all the truth because He is the truth (John 14:6).

When Jesus was about to face the battle of all battles-- the “armed men” of Jerusalem, He fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 50:7: “For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.”

Luke 9:51 tells us: “And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he STEADFASTLY SET HIS FACE to go to Jerusalem.” Like the warhorse going on to meet the armed men in Job 39:21, nothing in all the world could possibly deter Him.

Men, as we face the armed men in our lives, we must also set our faces like a flint. Flint is hard rock. It is unbendable. This should be out attitude as we go out to meet the armed men who come against us.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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GreaterVictories6a. HIS STRENGTH continued.

Men, as the warhorse rejoiced in his strength, so we should rejoice in the One who gives us all the strength we need to not only fight in the battles, but also to win every battle.

In 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 Paul talks about the battle he continually faced which he described as a “messenger from Satan to buffet him.” He cried out to God three times to be delivered, but what did God answer? “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

We should therefore glory (boast) and confess our weaknesses in order to receive the strength and power of God to come upon us. I believe that Paul was not encouraging people to praise their lack of strength, but rather to make honest, humble confession of our human weaknesses and inabilities. This leads us to ask and claim the power of God to be given to us in exchange for our total weaknesses and inabilities.

There are far too many Christians who continually talk about their sicknesses and diseases in order to get people to feel sorry for them. It would be far better for them to share with their friends of God’s great manifestation of power upon them in response to their humble confession of weakness

The psalms are full of David confessing God has his strength (Psalm 18:1, 2; 27:1; 28:7, 8 and many more).

The more we acknowledge our weakness and rejoice in His strength He gives to us, the greater will be our victories.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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Job 39:21: The warhorse “rejoiceth in his strength.”

How easy it is for us to be discouraged. We get discouraged especially when we become wearied by those we thought were for us and then find they were betraying us behind our backs. We get discouraged when our bodies become weak and lack endurance. We also get discouraged when the battle continues long and there seems to be no end in sight. It’s not good to think we are the only ones who have to go through these battles for they are common to man.

The natural warhorse has great strength and can therefore rejoice in the strength God gave him. But many of us facing great spiritual and physical battles have very little strength to rejoice in. What little strength we have in the natural often disappears in the first round of the boxing match.

The mighty Samson soon found out when Delilah ordered the locks of his hair to be shaved off how weak he really was in his own natural strength. Going out and shaking himself after he had given away his Nazarite vow did not help him one bit. Judges 16:20 states: “And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.”

Christians who walk in step with Christ can find that He is all-sufficient strength and that we can handle every situation He allows us to go through. It is time for us who call ourselves by the name of the Lord to learn what it means to rejoice in the strength that has been generously provided for us in our relationship with Christ.

God spoke to Paul in His weakness: “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ThisValley5. HIS PAWS

Job 39:21: “He paweth in the valley.”

When a horse paws, he is usually agitated because of being confined. He can’t wait to get going. The warhorse does not like to be hemmed in or stand around doing nothing. He was bred for war and all of war’s challenges.

Valleys are typical in Scripture of places of depression, stress, anxiety, and imprisonment. Valleys are places where you can’t see the sunrise or the sunset. Valleys are the places of limited horizons and long shadows. However, no matter how negative valleys can be, warhorses paw their hoofs in the valleys.

Isaiah 61:1-4 prophecies the anointing of the Spirit that was to come upon Jesus Christ in order to deliver the people who were down in the valleys, in the prisons, the broken-hearted, and the mourning. Jesus Christ was the greatest of all warhorses who was, and still is, more than eager to set the captives free.

Psalm 84:6 speaks of those who go into the Valley of Baca (weeping). As they pass through it they make it a well of the water of life and cause the rain of the Spirit to create pools of water for the thirsty.

Psalm 23:4 says: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will far no evil: for thou at with me.”

2 Chronicles 35:22 mentions the valley of Megiddo where many ancient battles were fought and where some believe that the Battle of Armageddon against Gog will be fought (Ezekiel 39:1-4).

The warhorse, Caleb pawed his hoofs as he looked up from the valley at Mount Hebron where the giants called Anakims lived. The cities were great and fenced with high walls. But Caleb the warhorse cried out “Give me this mountain” (Joshua 14:12). Joshua 14:10 reminds us that Caleb had been pawing his hoofs for the last 45 years, waiting to go and take that mountain. All mountains have valleys on their sides. When Caleb declared, “Give me this mountain” he also accepted the valleys that go with it.

We can go one better than Caleb who said, “Give me this mountain,” We can say, “Give me this valley also.”

The warhorse, Joshua pawed his hoofs in the Valley of Ajalon where he commanded the sun and the moon to stand still so the children of Israel could have a complete victory over the Amorites (Joshua 10:12-14).

Men, no matter what valleys we are in now or maybe in the future, the same eager spirit of the warhorse that gets into the fight to bring victory in the valleys can also come upon us. We can be possessed with the same Holy Spirit that caused Caleb to paw the ground with eagerness to take the dangerous and challenging mountain.

There may be all sorts of valleys ahead of us--perhaps economic valleys, Islamic terrorism valleys, or political valleys, etc. God is able to make us willing to conquer the valleys.

God calls His church to paw in the valleys. We paw in the spirit when we pray and intercede. Are you one who paws in prayer? Do you paw to get to the prayer meeting? You can’t wait to get there to fight the battles in prayer. This is the description of a true spiritual warhorse.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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THE WIND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - Continuing the characteristics of the warhorse.

HisNostriles4. HIS NOSTRILS

Job 39:30: “The glory of his nostrils is terrible.”

There is something awesome and terrible about the nostrils of the warhorse. He breathes through his nostrils the breath of life that gives him strength and stamina for the battle. Whether the battle be in the valley or on the mountain top his nostrils provide him with all the air he needs to not only carry himself, but also the rider and whatever load he has to carry. Though the valleys may be full of mud, bogs, and potholes, or the mountains dangerously steep, his nostrils do not fail to supply him with all the oxygen his strength requires to succeed.

When a human baby is born, the body requires their lungs to be developed enough to provide them all the oxygen they need to be strong and healthy. If their lungs are not developed, as in a premature baby, they may not survive without the help of modern medical assistance.

When a man is spiritually born again, he receives oxygen and air from the Holy Spirit to enable him to live in the new spiritual realm of life. This air or breath is called Holy Spirit life.

John 20:22 says: “He (Jesus) breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” This was the beginning of the new walk the disciples experienced with the Holy Spirit, bringing a new type of breathing into their spiritual nostrils.

Acts 2 speaks of the terrible, awesome, rushing mighty wind that filled the house where the disciples were sitting. This is the wind of the Holy Spirit that turned the disciples into the most powerful Spirit-filled warhorses.

God definitely wants all of us to have strong spiritual nostrils to breathe in the air and wind of His awesome Spirit. The more we expose our spiritual nostrils to the atmosphere and breath of the Holy Spirit, the more powerful we will be to change the world around us.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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