God is looking for men who will not compromise, no matter what! Uncompromising men are few and far between, but thank God, there are some.
The Holy Spirit who indwells all Christians is not a compromising spirit. He must be grieved at the way we compromise so easily over divorce, accepting the children He wants to give us, and homeschooling them to save them from humanistic propaganda and morally corrupt peers.
An ever-increasing percentage of "Christian" homes are infected with pornography and now we face courts that rule in favor of same sex marriage! These courts declare that it is unconstitutional to rule marriage to be exclusive to one man and one woman. May God have mercy on America and help us to repent quickly for we are trampling underfoot the gracious liberty He has given us. We desperately need a revival of good old-fashioned biblical holiness.
We Christian men can, and should, fast and pray against all forms of moral compromise. This in turn will have its cleansing effect upon the church and then the general population. What happened in McDonalds in Florida, which is unclean and corrupt, is sticking a sinful finger right into God's face at a time when we need God to help our country so desperately.
Be encouraged. Colin