WipeOutChaosChaos comes when parents do not exercise their sovereign right to exercise discipline and order over their children for wrong behavior. Many parents think that avoiding conflict will enable them to keep the peace. Unfortunately, refusing to exercise discipline, when discipline is in order, often leads to more chaos and “raffety-rule. “

Minor infractions can be addressed with a brief, loving and encouraging correction. However, rebellious, defiant behavior must be addressed and appropriately disciplined. Otherwise, chaos will overtake your home.

Bad moods, the silent treatment, a refusal to be bright and happy, straight-out defiance, dirty looks, and a negative attitude cannot be tolerated if you want to save your home from chaos and a bad atmosphere.

If you do not apply the rod when the rod is appropriate you will create a rod for your own back.

Shouting, anger, and temper tantrums must not be tolerated or allowed to prevail.

Pouting, hateful speech, and cussing must be dealt with quickly by a firm hand of righteous, godly discipline.

If we do not take appropriate action, our homes will quickly become chaotic, unhappy, unloving, and anything but a home of peace and healing.

Christian graces and righteous attitudes must be constantly taught and applied in our homes.

Around the table, both morning and evening, we must unfailingly share the teachings and admonitions of God’s Word and the instructions of righteous behavior that will save us from the chaos and evil that easily destroy homes and families.

As Christian families, we must actively pursue the things which make for peace. Romans 14:19 says: “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.”

There are things we can do, both in our individual lives and families, that make for peace. God’s home is a place of peace, not contention. This is where the rubber meets the road.

What are these things which make for peace? Are we actively finding out these things which make for peace? Is your home and marriage a place of peace? I am not talking about noise, for where children are, noise is inevitable. Happy noise is healthy noise.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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