Before I continue with the theme I began before going overseas of BIBLICAL FATHERHOOD, I have to share what is on my heart with you today.

My heart has been very stirred coming back to the USA to find the Supreme Court debating on whether or not to allow homosexuals to have the same marriage status as heterosexuals. Since time began, marriage has been a covenant between man and woman. The liberal media, as always, a biased arm of left wing politics have been declaring with gleeful and blatant lies that the nation is approving that homosexuals should be permitted the same marital status as a man and woman.

Seeing that the homosexuals only number approximately 10 percent of the population, one cannot help but wonder why the rest of us 90 percent should in any way have to put up with this left wing agenda shoved upon us and rammed down our throats! While the homosexuals are quick to label the 90 percent as unloving bigots who are intolerant and judgmental, the truth is that these ten percenters believe the 90 percenters should change their traditional Christian values on marriage to accommodate their own bigoted opinions.

I say a thousand Nos to their clamoring and inconsiderate pressure on us who believe that the marriage act was ordained as holy by God and to be between a man and a woman!

Genesis 2:18, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone ; I will make him a helpmeet for him... And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman, and brought her unto the man."

Be encouraged. Colin.


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