Too many men pass up helping to carry the piano in order to carry the piano stool! Men, it's time to man up and carry the load, no matter how heavy the task may be. Some of the loads we have to man up to are obvious and practical such as providing the family income. However, many men, even in the church, force their wife out of their home where God has ordained her to care for the little ones while they themselves stay at home to look after the children. This is passing the buck. Big time!

Some men may have a part time job that does not provide enough income and therefore the wife feels obliged to go out of the home, putting children in day care, which is a poor substitute for a mother. Men in this situation should man up and take on an extra part time job if at all possible. Men who rely on the government to provide for their family income, when they could work, are not manning up. They are coping out and passing the buck.

If mothers can have some way of making income while still in their home and the children will not suffer it can be a good thing. Their role is not reversed.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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