I will be back to our theme of Biblical Fatherhood tomorrow, but felt constrained today to write a few thoughts about what is happening in our nation.

It already seems that a lot of cover up is going on over the Boston Marathon bombing. Why was the first "subject" so quickly sent back to Saudi Arabia? Leaks from the Immigration Department say that the official documents of deportation state that he was linked to terrorist activity, but because of political ties with the Saudis, and the fact that he is the son of a Saudi Prince, he was let off the hook! Where is the justice in all this?

It appears that the FBI were in close communication with the two brothers who planted the bombs and were using them to get information. This administration in the White House has wiped from all government information anything that links terrorism with Islam. Politicians should be screaming for an honest answer. We the people should not sit down, but rather stand up and demand the truth. By covering up, our government is aiding and abetting those who want to destroy us. When will enough be enough for America?

Terrorism, everyone knows, is primarily linked to Islam, for it demands it in order to covert the world to Islam. The people of America have to stand up now or you can guarantee that all major crowd events will be the most dangerous places to be. America must rid itself of all wimpy, soft-soap politicians and white-washing compromisers in leadership. We the people must stand for the truth. We must not tolerate lies or double smooth-talking politicians any more.

New Zealand is now the 13th country in the world to pass laws approving same sex marriage. They better be prepared for another big shake. The government is mocking God and sticking their finger in His eye. Who do they think they are? Galatians 6: 7 says, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked.":

Fathers, please teach your children to pray for righteous leaders. Pray for the real truth to be revealed and that all cover ups which are corrupt will be exposed.

Be encouraged. Colin


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