Life To The Full Podcast



LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell


Did you know there was such a thing as the Theology of Motherhood or to be more direct, Motherology? Join with me as I discuss the doctrine of motherhood.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, ladies! Always love being with you. Today I want to talk to you about something you may not have thought about. That is the Theology of Motherhood. After all these years of writing and speaking, and of course, being a mother, I have never really thought of the theology of motherhood until recently.

I realized that it is a theology because, what does the word “theology” mean?

It comes from two Greek words: theos, which is the Greek word for God, and ology. That comes from the word logos, meaning the study of the word of God.

We see this in the beginning of John’s gospel, John chapter one. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

As we read the logos, the Word of God, of course we see all the things that God wants us to know about Himself, and how He wants us to live. That really is theology. It is the study of the existence, the character, and the attributes of God; His laws and His government, the doctrines we are to believe, and the duties we are to practice.

Theology is not all theoretical. Theology is also very practical. In fact, C S Lewis says, “If you don’t listen to theology, that won’t mean you have no ideas about God. It will mean that you have a lot of wrong ideas.” I think that’s very true, because often we do have our own ideas about things. We have our own ideas about motherhood. If you talk to mothers, you’ll find there are many, many different ideas of what they feel about motherhood.

But true theology is not what we feel or think. It’s what God says in His Word. That is literally the theology of motherhood, what God says in His Word from Genesis to Revelation. I realize that I have been writing about the theology of motherhood for years. Many of you will have my book, The Power of Motherhood. That literally tells you everything that God says about you. Every chapter is a new understanding of motherhood from God’s point of view.

So really, I could have called it The Theology of Motherhood, but I never thought of that back then, because I looked up in the dictionary, and can you believe it, ladies? The word is not there! It should be, because there are so many -ologies in this world. There’s an -ology about everything! We’ve got dermatology and we’ve got archeology. We could go on and on for pages and pages of all the -ologies.

I couldn’t find the theology of motherhood, or what would we call it? Motherology! I didn’t see motherology in the dictionary! I think that it’s time it got there because there is motherology in the Bible. There’s parentology. There’s householdology. There’s familyology. It’s all there in the Bible, and it’s what God has to say about these things. These are the very things that are our daily life and how we should live.

Of course, we do have paterology. That’s the study of God the Father.

Christology, which is the study of God, the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have pneumatology, the study of God, the Holy Spirit.

But we’re going to get to motherology today. Even all my books, the blessings books, The 100 Days of Blessing, I have four volumes of them (I have to get onto editing this fifth one that I have ready). They are also all about the theology of motherhood, because everyone is looking for something from the Word about motherhood.

Theology also can be looked up as doctrine. Doctrine is very important, even for us as mothers.

Mark 4:2: “And Jesus taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine.” So, Jesus taught doctrine. All the things that He taught the people, and even all the parables, they were His doctrine. They were revealing His Father. They were revealing how He wants us to live.

We see again in Mark 12:38: “And Jesus said unto them in His doctrine.”

And then, Jesus said again, in John 7:16-17: “Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not Mine, but His that sent Me. If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of Myself.”

So, ladies, we need to know the theology of motherhood, or we could call it the “doctrine of motherhood.” I’m going to begin and share a few more things. Even though I’ve been sharing this for years, and years, I will take a few different angles. Let’s go and find out a little bit more about doctrine in the Word of God.

I found four adjectives about doctrine.

Number One: Doctrine must be God’s doctrine

We see that in the Scripture I just quoted in John 7, where Jesus answered them and said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His that sent Me. It’s my Father’s doctrine. It’s God’s doctrine.” That is a very important point we must remember.

That’s number one, because, ladies, if the doctrine or the theology that we believe about motherhood is not God’s doctrine and we haven’t got it from the Word of God, well, it’s not the right doctrine. We have to have the right doctrine.

I was just reading this morning those Scriptures. We read them back in Deuteronomy, and also Judges. Let me read to you Deuteronomy 12:8: “Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day (Moses was talking to the people) every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes.” That’s how they were living. They were doing what was right in their own eyes.

Then we go over to Judges 17:6: “In those days there was no king in Israel (this was in the time of the judges) “but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” It’s very easy, isn’t it, ladies, to do what we think is right, but it’s just in our eyes. I think of that Scripture in Proverbs that says: “There is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof is death” (Proverbs 14:12).

It seems right. Many times, we think, “Oh yes, this is the right way, because it seems right, seems good to me. fits in with my lifestyle, and this is what I think.” But we’ve got to get deeper than that. We’ve got to go into the Word of God and see whether it really is His doctrine. Thinking back to that Scripture where they did what they thought was right in their own eyes, this morning in my Quiet time, or my Bible time, whatever you would like to call it (I have my personal time with the Lord before we have our family time at breakfast time).

This morning, I was reading all the Scriptures about those people who did “that which was right in the eyes of the Lord.” It wasn’t what was right in their own eyes, but “that which was right in the eyes of the Lord,” or “in the sight of the Lord.” It’s interesting, isn’t it, that God is looking all the time, beholding the sons of men, beholding us personally, beholding our family. He is watching. Are we doing what is right in our own eyes, or in His eyes? Is it God’s doctrine?

I was most interested to find 17 different Scriptures that related to David, and how David did everything that was right in the sight of the Lord. Then it goes on to talk about some other kings who also did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. But then the other Scriptures were about some of them who didn’t, and it would then go to say because they did not do what their father David did, even though they were generations down from David. He was still called their father, and it related whether they were like David, or they did not do what David did.

There were 17 references to David, a man after God’s own heart, who did everything in the sight of the Lord, except the one exception. One of the Scriptures says that exception, and it says: “Except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.” What a wonderful testimony that he had. I think, dear ladies, can you seek to find what is God’s doctrine?

Number Two: It must be sound doctrine

We find that in Titus 2. Titus is such a practical book of the Bible. We read here in Titus 2:1: “But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine.” And then, what is the next verse? Paul is writing to Timothy, and he tells him how the older men are to behave and what their behavior is to be like. Then it talks about the older women and what their behavior is to be like. Then it talks about the younger women, and what their behavior is to be like. Then it goes on to the young men and what their behavior is to be like.

Did you get it, ladies? These very practical things of how we are to live are sound doctrine. Yes, they may be practical. It’s talking about being a keeper at home, and mothering our children, and loving our husband. Such down-to-earth nitty-gritty things that are part of our lives, but they’re sound doctrine. Isn’t that amazing? They’re as important as knowing the doctrines of justification and sanctification.

Yes, this is doctrine. The word “sound” actually means “to be healthy.” I love that. The same word that’s used in 3 John 1:2: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health.” Exactly the same word as “sound doctrine.” “Even as thy soul prospereth.” That means, dear ladies, that when we obey this sound doctrine and we embrace what the Word of God says, that we have the blessing of being in health. Isn’t that good? Yes, because that’s what it means, “to be healthy.” And that’s what sound doctrine is. There are other Scriptures I’ll give you in the transcript.

Now, there’s another word. There are three different words actually, that are used for how Jesus taught. It said there were Jesus’ sayings, and that He spoke in His doctrine, and He taught. The word “to teach” in the New Testament is the Greek word didasko. It means “to teach, to be an instructor.”

But the interesting thing, ladies, is when it comes to Titus 2, first of all, it starts out with sound doctrine, and then it goes on to the word “teaching.” It talks about the older women teaching the younger women these good things. The word there in the Greek is kalodidaskalos. There are two words, didaskalos, which means “to teach.”

But for the women, it adds another word to this Greek word: kalos. It’s the only time that it’s used. What does that word mean? It means “lovely, beautiful, valuable.” The teaching, the doctrine for women goes up a step higher than all the other teachings, because it talks about how there are teachers and instructors. But when it’s the older women teaching the younger women, it’s kalos added to it. We’re going to be teaching beautiful, lovely things.

God says all these things about keeping our homes, mothering our children is not only sound doctrine, it’s lovely, beautiful doctrine. Isn’t that wonderful? Yes.

And it is amazing, isn’t it, that there are many women today who actually are really doing what those people did in the days of the judges, of doing what is right in their own eyes, because that word, that sound doctrine in Titus 2 specifically says that God’s plan for the woman is to be a keeper at home, to manage her home, to be in the home. And yet, there are so many women today who are out of the home. Well, if we’re truly going to be biblical, that is not sound doctrine. It’s not God’s doctrine. We’ve got to get it right!

Number Three: It must be good doctrine

1 Timothy 4:6. Paul encouraged Timothy to be “a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the Words of faith, and of good doctrine.” God’s doctrine is good doctrine.

The last one . . .

Number Four: It must be godly doctrine

1 Timothy 6:3: “If any man speak otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness, he is proud and knoweth nothing.” We know that if our doctrine is leading us to godliness, leading us to righteousness, leading us to holiness, we’ll know it’s good doctrine. It’s God’s doctrine.

Well, there’s more about doctrine in the Word, dear ladies. I would like to give you here 14 different points about what God says we have to do about the doctrine. All right, it’s all very well knowing that it’s good doctrine, and sound doctrine, and godly doctrine, and of course God’s doctrine, but what are we to do about it?

God never leaves us in the dark. Wow! I find everything God has to say on a subject . . . He rarely says one thing. He says many things. So, let’s look at them. I’ll give you the references. I know that unless you're sitting down with pen and paper, you won’t have time to write them down. You may be listening on the run, perhaps. Actually, you get more out of it when you sit and listen, but I know so many of you are so busy, and you're doing it on the run. The main thing is that you are listening. But I will put the references again in the transcript so you will be able to get them if you really want them.


That is 1Timothy 4:16. We don’t let it go by. We’ve got to take heed to it.


1 Timothy 4:16: “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this, thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.” It’s not enough to embrace doctrine. We’ve got to continue in it.

I think back to Acts 2:42. This is telling us the lifestyle of the early church. In this Scripture, it tells us four things that the early church did. They not only did them, they continued in them. So, let’s see what it says: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine.” They were taking heed to doctrine. They were making sure they understood what God said. They continually did this, and they continued in it. But that was not all.

Number two: they continued steadfastly in fellowship. Number three: breaking of bread. Number four: prayers. I like to call that the foursquare gospel because that was the lifestyle and the pattern of the early church. Really, it should be the pattern we are following today. Well, most of us like to go to church each Sunday and get some more doctrine. That’s so good. That was number one. Continuing in the apostles’ doctrine.

But then, fellowship. Does everyone in your church fellowship? That was very much part of the early church lifestyle. They didn’t just go to the synagogue, or the home, or the building wherever they were going to meet and listen to a sermon. No, they fellowshipped together. God is very much into fellowship.

We’re so blessed at our Hilltop fellowship. We have fellowship lunch after every service. Everyone stays on, eats together, hangs out, talks, fellowships, dialogues. It’s a glorious time, a time when we can really get to know one another and be aware of one another’s needs, and pray for one another. Church is not just listening to a sermon. Fellowship is very important.

And number three, breaking of bread. That wasn’t only talking about communion. They met together, in one another’s homes, breaking bread from house to house, and eating their food with joyfulness. They met together. They opened their homes in hospitality. They broke bread together. They fellowshipped over the meal and shared the wondrous things of God together.

And how often did they do this? Do you know what the Bible says, a few verses down? What does it say? Does it say they did this weekly? No. Monthly? No. They actually did this daily! Daily they fellowshipped and broke bread together.

And number four, prayers. That’s another thing that’s missing from the church of God today. Of course, we have prayer in the service. But a real prayer meeting, where we pray, where we cry out to God! Oh goodness me, even in big churches, it’s prayer meeting night, and maybe six people are there. Oh, the prayer meeting should be the most fully attended meeting, really, that we go to, because that shows our dependence upon God. It brings the Presence of God to us. And it also does such wondrous things. So, there we go. We’re meant to be continuing in all those things. Because they are doctrine.


Titus 2:10: “Adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.” That literally means “to wear it.” It’s practical. God says, “I don’t want you only studying the Bible, and getting it in your head, and knowing all these facts. I want you to wear it! I want My Word to become flesh and blood in you, so that it’s coming out of your hands, and your feet, and your countenance, and your smile. It’s infiltrating every part of your being.”

This is what we are meant to do with doctrine, to wear it. Of course, that gets right down into our homes. We don’t just put it on when we go out, or we all go out to church, or we’re going out to some meeting, or something that we’re attending. We put on our lovely dress and look so good! No. We’ve got to be wearing the doctrine in our home.

Yes, in the midst of everything happening, and children driving you crazy, and feeling overwhelmed. Oh, goodness me! Sometimes you’re just wondering if you're even surviving! But even in that mess, you're to adorn the doctrine. When you do, ladies, something happens, because when you adorn the doctrine, the doctrine of motherhood, motherology, the theology of motherhood, what God says, you begin to understand that, “Yes, this is who I am, and this is the plan God has for me. He has this glorious plan for me, to be in my home, and to raise godly children who will impact the nation and the world. I will fill eternity with these children who You are giving to me.”

When you understand this and embrace it, you're not going to have so many hang-ups, and feeling so sorry for yourself, because maybe you could be out doing some career. No, that’s what brings confusion and dissatisfaction to motherhood. When you embrace it, even though you're facing challenges, you're going to live in the joy of it, because you're wearing the doctrine! Amen?


2 John 1:9: “Whosoever transgresses and abides not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that abides in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.” That’s pretty powerful, isn’t it? Abiding, living in the doctrine. Not just acknowledging it, but to live in it.


1 Timothy 4:6: “Thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith, and of good doctrine.”


1 Timothy 4:13: “Til I come, give attendance to reading to exhortation, to doctrine.” The word “give attendance” is prosecho, which means “to bring near, to be addicted to, devoted to, pay attention to, to give the mind to,” and, get this one, ladies, “to hold the mind.”

When I looked up that understanding, and I read that phrase, it really got to me. “To hold the mind.” Because I don’t know if you're the same as me. I find it very easy, even as I’m meditating on the Word, I can get into, oh, I’m thinking about it. And then I can get into other thoughts, and then I can get into all kinds of things I’m thinking about! I’ve got away from where I started. It’s a very big discipline to learn to “hold the mind.”

I think, especially when you're listening to the Word being read, or listening to a message, you've got to hold your mind. Since I’ve read that, I’m really making it part of my life, an exercise, to get into the habit of holding my mind. Even since I’ve started to do this, I can still get off on a little tangent. Oooops! I’ve got to come back in. “Whoo! Come on! Bring my mind in again!”

It’s like that Scripture in 1 Peter 1:13 where it says: “Gird up the loins of your mind.” It’s giving the picture of . . .  back in Bible days, men wore long robes. When they were exercising, doing hard work and so forth, they would pull up their robes and tuck them in their belts, so their legs were free, and they were free to work and to do what they had to do.

They had to gird up their loins (their long robes around their loins) and get them out of the way so they were not a nuisance to them. We have to do that. We’ve got to gird up the loins of our minds and bring them back into attention. It’s a good exercise. Start trying to do that. But I really like that. “Hold the mind.” Amen?


john 7:7: “If any man will do His will, he shall know the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of Myself.” You don’t know the doctrine? Well, you're not going to walk in it. You can be doing that which is right in your own eyes. We’ve got to know it.


Not just know but fully know!

2 Timothy 3:10: “But thou hast fully known my doctrine (Paul says) my manner of life, and purpose, and faith, and longsuffering, and love, and patience, and persecutions and afflictions.” All that was part of his doctrine. It was his lifestyle. Those who he was mentoring fully understood it, so that when it happened to them, they would know it was not something foreign that was happening to them. This was part of living their Christian life.


Romans 6:17: “You have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered to you.”

I’ll just finish these fourteen points in this session, OK?


Romans 16:17: “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”

That’s the wonderful thing, ladies. When you know the doctrine, and you’ve learned it, and then you're embracing it, and you're abiding in it, and living in it, what happens? You will be aware when things are not the truth. Many times people can be deceived. And how? Because they don’t know God’s doctrine.

When you have the Word in you, it is the truth. It’s only the Word that has the power to expose that which is false and deception. That’s why it’s so important to learn the doctrine, to know what God says. What he says to us as mothers, ladies, and to us as wives, yes, when we know that something is a little different, even slightly different, because often satan’s temptations are not hugely different. They’ve very subtle. They’re just slightly different, just to get us off track.

He knows he can’t really tempt us with great big, huge sins and great big huge deceptions. He makes them very little, just slightly off track, slightly off what God says, so maybe we’ll listen. But you see, if you really know what God says, well then, wow! “You’re going to get out of here, satan! That’s not the truth!” So, it’s important to learn the doctrine.


2 Timothy 4:2: “Preach the Word. Be instant in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine.” Don’t share with others your ideas. Give them God’s doctrine!


I love this point, ladies!

Acts 5:28: “Did we not command you (this is the authorities talking to the disciples) . . . Did we not command you that you should not teach in His Name? And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine!”

I love that. The truth of God’s Word about motherhood, about the home, about family; we should be filling Jerusalem! Well, we don’t live in Jerusalem. Fill your city! Fill everybody on your social media. This is one of the ways we get truth out today.

Every day I write a post for you on Facebook and other social medias which I post to encourage you, or to lift up some aspect of truth in the Word of God about family. I send it out. Then, I don’t have time to go back again until the next day. I don’t waste my time on social media. I haven’t got time for that. But I use it as a tool to get out the truth.

Ladies, you can use your social media to get out the truth! Don’t waste your time on it with mundane, stupid little things! Oh, goodness me! Get a Scripture! Get a word of truth and send it out! Well, if you can’t think of one, go to my Facebook, and share mine! Share with everybody you know! But let’s fill our sphere of influence with the truth, with motherology, with the doctrine of theology. Let’s fill every space we can, that we can influence! Please! Oh, it’s time we came out of our hiding places and filled the world with the truth!

That’s why, with Above Rubies, I don’t make it an actual subscription magazine where you have to write in and pay so much a year to get it. No, I make it freely available. Of course, it’s not free, because I have to pay these thousands. I’m still waiting for $60,000 now, to pay off this printing bill and the rest of the mailing to get it all out.

It isn’t free, but I give it freely, because I want to get it out to those who don’t understand, who don’t know the truth. If I was making it a subscription, all those who believed in the truth would get it. That’s great! You need the affirmation. But we’ve got to get it out to those who don’t believe, so take out Above Rubies, and use your social media to fill your whole sphere of influence in your city and the world, and everyone that you can get to, with God’s truth! Amen? And motherology! Amen.

All right. I’ve got to hurry!


Titus 2:7-8.

And the last one . . .


1 Timothy 6:1: “Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.”

How do we blaspheme the doctrine? When we don’t obey God’s practical instructions for how to live. He’s given them very clearly. And when we think, “Oh, well, I know better than God. I don’t really think what He says really fits in with my lifestyle. I’m doing it my way.” That’s blaspheming the doctrine.

And then we read again, Titus 2:5. This comes at the end of the words that God gave for the older women to teach the younger women about embracing motherhood, about keeping their homes, and so on. Then it says such powerful words: “That the Word of God be not blasphemed.”

Do you notice that it says: “That the Word of God be not blasphemed.” This is not something that Nancy Campbell says, or what some other person says, or someone’s ideas. Those Scriptures in Titus 2 are the Word of God. That’s what it says here. Right at the end of them, it says: “That the Word of God be not blasphemed.”

Wow. That’s a huge thing to say, but I think we’ve gotten so far away from God’s ultimate plan that most Christian women now think it’s normal to be out of the home, to put their children in daycare, and so on. But that’s not God’s plan. His plan is the opposite, and it’s the Word of God. If we don’t do it, we blaspheme.

Well, I’ve gone over my time, so let’s pray. We’ll continue this next time, OK? I’ve got so many more things to share with you.

“Dear Father, we thank You that You don’t ever leave us in the dark, that You show us clearly Your plan. Lord, we are amazed at how much You talk about doctrine, and how You want us to adhere to Your doctrine, Your truth, because You show us the way to live. Lord, You not only want us to live according to Your doctrine, but to teach our children, and the following generations.

“Oh, God, save us from dropping the baton! Lord, even now we see that generations have dropped the baton, and we are getting further and further away from Your ultimate plan. Draw us back. Bring us back, Lord God, I pray. Bless every precious mother, wife, and daughter listening today. Pour out Your Spirit mightily upon them and their families and their homes. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris

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“LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell, Above Rubies”



P.S. Two more points I discovered after sharing this podcast:


Titus 1:9.


Read Matthew 9:35 and Acts 13:9-17.



What the Bible Says About You as a Mother

By Nancy Campbell

This is a Bible manual for mothers.

All young mothers desperately need encouragement!

Middling mothers need it!

And even older mothers need it. Older mothers need a refresher course in God’s plan for mothering, so they can take their place as the older mothers who teach the next generation.

You will be amazed at what God has to say about mothers! You will receive wonderful understanding through the 245 pages of this manual. 

There are questions at the end of each chapter which you can use personally in your own study. Or a great idea is to begin a Mother’s Bible Study, gather together each week or once a month, and go through it together. You will get even more out of it as you share and discuss together.

Go to:

P.S. If you would like to use it as a Bible Study for ladies and need multiple copies, call the office at 931 729 9861. You can receive 40 percent discount if purchasing 10 or more copies. 


100 DAYS OF BLESSING, Volumes 1 and 2

Devotions for Wives and Mothers

By Nancy Campbell

These devotional books have been a great blessing to so many wives and mothers. If you haven’t purchased them yet, you’ll want them for your motherhood library.

Go to: and

100 DAYS OF BLESING, Volumes 3 and 4

Devotions for Wives and Mothers

By Nancy Campbell

These devotions take you into God’s Word to give you meat for your mothering soul.

You will be refueled and strengthened each day.

You will be inspired and encouraged.

And you may be challenged too!

And . . . you’ll never run out! The four volumes give you 400 devotions, more than enough for the year.

Marvelous gifts for other wives and mothers too. Purchase extras and have them on hand for birthdays and baby showers etc.

Go to:

100 Days of Blessing, Volume 3 - 100 Selected Devotions by Nancy Campbell100 Days of Blessing, Volume 4 - 100 Selected Devotions by Nancy Campbell

And do you have?


A Devotional for Women of All Ages and Stages

Three generations of Family Wisdom

Authored by . . .

Nancy the grandmother,

Pearl and Serene, the daughters, and

Meadow the granddaughter.

This devotional has three devotions for each 100 days, written from three generations.

Go to:



Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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