

The fourth parenting revival is FAMILY DEVOTIONS. Sharing God’s Word and praying together on a daily basis around the family meal table is a vital part of this parenting revival.

Men, we must not miss this most important aspect of revival prior to the return of Christ. It is a vital part of everyday fatherhood that we cannot overlook.

Unfortunately, most Christian fathers are not doing this, resulting in a huge spiritual disconnect in the most important education fathers are to give to their children.

I am sure that most Christian fathers would readily agree that we should be good providers for our family with housing, food, clothing and education. Fathers would agree that we should spend time playing without children doing fun things with them, but what about providing food for their souls and spirits?

Sadly, most Christian fathers do not open God’s Word on a daily basis to their children, or pray with them. Most fathers think that going to church once a week is sufficient.

No wonder we need revival.

Be encouraged. Colin

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