
Have You Dedicated Your Home?, Pt. 2 - No. 104

Exodus 15:2, “The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him a habitation.” 

Oh what a mighty vision! Dear homemaker, it would be hard to find anything more significant in life than to make your home a habitation for God. When you dedicate your home to God, you are setting it apart as a holy place. This takes more than one celebration. This takes daily work.

Hyman Goldin writes, “Every home can thus be turned into a holy shrine where godliness prevails… every member of the family is a priest unto God; the home is a shrine; and the table is an altar of God.” We need to get into the habit of being consciously aware that our home is a sanctuary for God. When we have this vision before us we will be more likely to work at keeping it a holy place. We will have the vision to make our home, not only a haven of love, peace and joy for our family, but a sanctuary for God’s presence.

We will see our table as a consecrated place to establish the family altar each day, where we open the Word of God and pray together. Oh for godly homes all across this nation, sitting at the table to eat their meals together. Not only eating together, but also establishing the family altar where they pray for one another and for the nation. Can you imagine what could happen in our nation if Christian families all across the country began to pray together at their family altar? Not the fathers and mothers praying, but each one of the children, crying out to God for His mercy and salvation upon this nation! 

Have you established the family altar in your home? This is the best way to daily dedicate your home to the Lord. Of course we can’t forget the old adage, “The family that prays together stays together.”

Oh for God’s protecting, powerful eye to be upon our homes night and day. God has given us this promise. Actually, it was given for the temple that Solomon built for God’s presence, but today God wants our homes to be temples filled with His presence. However, it is not a mandatory promise but conditional. The promise is to those who will humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from their wicked ways. Yes, you know it, don’t you? It’s 2 Chronicles 7:14, but have you read on to verse 16? “Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to prayer made in this place… my eyes and my heart will be there perpetually.”

If we are a humble, praying family, not only does God promise that He will forgive our sin and heal us, but He promises that He will keep His eye and His heart upon our temple home continually. Oh what a wonderful blessing.

Do you want God’s eyes and His heart to look perpetually on your home? Keep a humble spirit. Be a praying family. Pray together around your table at every breakfast or every evening meal.





“Peace, unto this house, I pray,


Keep terror and despair away;


Shield it from evil and let sin


Never find lodging room within.


May never in these walls be heard


The hateful or accusing word. Amen.”



Our family prayers will impact the nation and the world.


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