
Our Priestly Responsibility II, No. 217


Part 2 

Exodus 28:29 says, “Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgment over his heart, when he goes into the holy place, as a memorial before the Lord continually.” 

The High priest also wore a breastplate made up of the same beautiful colors as the ephod. On the breastplate they attached four rows of precious gem stones which were each set in gold. They had to engrave the name of a tribe of Israel on each of the stones. God reveals how precious each one of the chosen tribes of Israel is to Him by engraving their names on these beautiful jewels. In fact, He calls them His “jewels.” Malachi 3:17 says, “And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels.” The word “jewels” here means “special treasure.” 

Each jewel was not the same, but different and distinct from the others, revealing the difference in nature and character of the twelve tribes. Each son had a different personality and a specific destiny ordained by God. As the high priest walked around, the jewels on the breastpiece shone and sparkled with their different colors and hues. It is the same with our children. Each one is different and unique and created by God for a particular destiny. We must not expect them to be the same as each other; each one has their own special glory and beauty.  

The breastpiece was made of one piece of material. Although each son of Israel was different, they represented a unified whole. They were one nation. Although each one of our children has different traits and giftings, we are one family. Diversity and unity together. This is God’s plan for marriage; the wife and husband have totally different functions but they are to be one. Our body is made up of many members, each fulfilling a difficult function, but it is one body. The church has many members, but is meant to be one body. And so in our families. In all our differences we must keep the unity. We are one family. 

There was something else in the breastpiece beside the precious jewels. Exodus 28:30 reads, “And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummin; and they shall be upon Aaron’s heart, when he goes in before the Lord; and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the Lord continually.” The Urim and the Thummin are rather a mystery, but the words mean “lights” and “perfections”, or an easier way to remember them is “light” and “right”. 

Through the Urim and Thummim, God, who is the Father of lights and the perfection of all understanding and truth would give counsel to the High Priest regarding the children of Israel. He would show Aaron how to minister justice and judgment, for the breastplate was a “breastplate of judgment.” 

The Urim and Thummim were a type that looked to the future. We no longer need the Urim and Thummim to give us direction and counsel, as the high priest needed.  As we wait upon the Lord, the Holy Spirit who now indwells, us will teach us and give us answers for the challenges of parenting our children. In the Gospel of John we read, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost… he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance…He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment… He will guide you into all truth.”(John 14:26: 16:8-11, 13)                                     

No wonder we need to bring our children before the Lord in prayer. We need His guidance desperately. God commanded Aaron to “bear the names of the children of Israel… upon his heart, when he goes in unto the holy place.” (Exodus 28:29). We must not only carry the names of children upon our shoulders but also upon our heart. If they are on our heart, we will want to pray for them. We express our greatest love for our children when we pray for them. It is proof that they are in our hearts when we intercede for them.  

Love from



Lord, I need your wisdom and guidance as I parent my children. I thank you that you are my Counselor and I look to you for your understanding and help. Amen.” 


I show my love to my children by praying for them. 


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