
Peaceful Dwellings, Pt 1 - No. 161

Isaiah 32:18, “And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.”

We read this Scripture at family devotions recently. Pearl’s children were in bed so she came for a walk and joined us for devotions.

“How does this work?” she exclaimed. “My home was not very peaceful today!”

In the morning her son, Rocklyn, went to the toilet and put too much paper in the toilet. To try and flush the toiler paper down he kept flushing and flushing. Of course it overflowed—all over the bathroom and out onto the lounge carpet, poops and poopy paper included! Pearl used 20 towels to clean up the mess, but managed to keep her cool! She disinfected the bathroom and did several loads of laundry.

By afternoon, peace reigned again. All towels were dried and folded when Noble went to the toilet! He also put too much paper in the toilet and so Rocklyn, the expert toilet flusher, came to his rescue! Another flood! This time it was worse and even grosser! It took more than 20 towels to clean up! Pearl said she didn’t keep her cool this time! “Get out” she screamed to her children as she started the huge clean up all over again!

So how do you have a peaceful home when you constantly face upsetting incidents? God knows that when you have children life is not perfect. They do stupid things. They break things. They make messes. They squabble. Help! The only way to keep things perfect is to have no children. But that’s boring! And what do you accomplish by having a perfect house with no upsets? All you gain is a perfect house! That doesn’t change the world. That doesn’t raise godly children who will do mighty exploits for God. Proverbs 14:4 says, “Where no oxen are, the crib is clean; but much increase is by the strength of the ox.” Children bring work—and messes, but also joy, increase, wealth and growth in character.

And in the midst of it all we can have peace. This is God’s plan for our dwellings. It doesn’t mean that we won’t face interruptions, upsets, messes and heartaches. But we can have God’s peace even in the midst of trials. Anyone can have peace when everything is going perfect. But the “peace that passes all understanding” is peace that we experience in the midst of difficulties and trials. It’s the peace we experience even when we are upset. (Philippians 4:7)

God wants us to enjoy this peace. And He enables us to enjoy it. He lives in us and He is Peace! When Christ Jesus came into your life by His Holy Spirit, He did not leave His peace out of you. In the midst of problems, thank God for His peace. Thank Him that His peace overflows your heart. Are you kidding yourself? No. It is truth. That Christ is in you is truth. You can choose to live by your feelings, by your flesh and by your reactions to the problem, or by the life of Christ who lives in you. And His life is peace!

Don’t despair. God understands your frustrations. He is right there with you in them. I am sure that He was having a little laugh as He watched the shenanigans at Pearl’s home. Even as Pearl laughed about it later--and apologized to her children for screaming at them.



Thank you, Lord, that you are the God of peace. Wherever you are, there is peace, even when everything is going wrong. Help me to acknowledge your peace in every circumstance. Please fill my home with your peace. Amen.”


I am making my home a peaceful dwelling.


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