


“My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation,
and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places”
(Isaiah 32: 18).

Did you know that the Bible likens marriage to a resting place? Does that really sound possible? Two times in the story of Ruth, Naomi talks about marriage as a place of rest.

Firstly, in Ruth 1:9 (NET) she says to both her daughters-in-law: “May the LORD enable each of you to find security in the home of a new husband!” The King James Bible says: “that ye may find rest.”

The word rest is menuchah and means “repose, peaceful, consolation, an abode, quiet, comfort, refreshment, a resting place, and specifically matrimony.” It’s the same word that is used in Psalm 23:2 where our Good Shepherd leads us beside the “still waters.”

Then again, in Ruth 3:1 Naomi speaks to Ruth who came back with her to Judah: “My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?” The GNB translation says: “I must find a husband for you, so that you will have a home of your own.” Naomi was concerned to find a husband for Ruth. This time the Hebrew word is manoach with a very similar meaning, “a settled spot, a home, a place of rest.” Isn’t that a beautiful picture of marriage?

Sadly, this is not always the picture of marriage relationships today.  Yet this is what God intends. Marriage provides security, stability, provision, and a resting place to fulfil our God-given career of mothering and nurturing. It is difficult for single moms to cope with providing for their children, nurturing, and making a home at the same time. There are many who find themselves in this position through no fault of their own and they need much encouragement and help.

But God intends the home to have a husband and a wife. When a husband knows his mandate from God to provide for his wife and family and to protect and guard them, a wife can live in quietness and rest. She can give herself to the work of managing her home and caring for her children.

Did you notice I said work? “But you are talking about rest” I hear you say. We can work hard and yet be at rest. To live in rest doesn’t mean that we sit around all day. I remember a very busy man of God who ended his correspondence, “Restfully busy.” When you are working hard and busy in your home, think of being “restfully busy.”

I believe that rest is a state of rest in our soul, free from the worries of providing for the family, and basking in the joy of mothering and homemaking. This is God’s glorious plan.

And this is why marriage is referred to as a resting place. Of course, Satan tries to disrupt the rest that God intends. He wants to destroy every plan of God. Therefore, we must always be on the lookout for his insidious ways. We must watch out that we don’t take on too many other things outside the home. We must guard against tension and evil creeping into the home. We must resist all rebellions and selfish attitudes. And especially bitterness and hardness of heart.

It is very grievous to know that the average length for marriage in USA is only seven years! I believe this is because we have left God’s plan for marriage and imbibed the liberal and selfish lifestyle. When we are prepared to submit to God’s way, we will walk in His blessings.

Marriage is all to do with our attitudes and we can choose which attitude we will take. It’s easy to take the negative one, not so easy to take the godly attitude, but we can do it with God’s enabling.

Let’s seek to make our marriages and homes places of rest.


“Dear Father God, I thank You that You are the author of marriage. I am willing to learn to be obedient to Your wondrous ways because they are the ways that work. Thank You for showing me the way to have a marriage of rest. Amen.”


I am enjoying a restful marriage because I am walking in God’s ways.

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