
Who Is Like Our God? - No. 159

Psalm 113:5, “Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwells on high.”

What is our God really like? Eternity will not be enough time to fathom the greatness and awesomeness of our God. However, we get glimpses of what He is like as we read His divine word. Psalm 113 gives a beautiful description of our God. It does not describe His majestic greatness, but reveals His heart of love and compassion.

This Psalm tells us that He is the One who raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy out of the rubbish heap! Our God, whose glory is above the heavens, humbles himself to look upon what goes on in heaven and in earth. And even more! He aligns himself with the needs of the poor and the needy. Wow! It is not the proud and the rich who get his attention but the poor and the wretched. He wants to lift them up and seat them with the princes of the land.

The Psalm then goes on to say that He is the God who settles the barren woman in a home and makes her a joyful mother of children. Once again we see who God is really like. He is a God whose heart is for children and mothers. He wants to give mothers children. He wants them to be filled with joy as they mother the children He gives them. This is who our God is like—a God who loves children and who ordained the high calling of motherhood.

I think it is important to understand the God whom we love and serve. There are many today, even in the church, who have no interest in the poor and less interest in mothers having children! I wonder what God it is that they are serving? Many times women are pulled away from their children and home to get involved in “ministry”. The work may be a good work, but is it God’s perfect will? The greatest ministry God gives to women is to create a godly home and raise godly children. The God of the Bible is the One who aligns himself with mothers in their homes.

But there is even more to this wonderful psalm. Remember, He wants to seat the poor with the princes. I checked out the word princes. It is not the word that is used for ‘sheik, king or chief’ but it is the Hebrew word nadiv, which means ‘willing, generous, and liberal.’ The same word is translated ‘willing’ in other Scriptures. (Exodus 35:5; Judges 5:2; 9; 2 Chronicles 17:16; Psalm 110:3; Isaiah 32:5) In other words, God says that He seats them with the generous of the land, those who willingly open their hearts and homes to the needy, the poor, the orphans and the widows in their distress. It is these generous open-hearted people who are the princes in the land. They reveal the true heart of God.

May God help us to align ourselves with who God is like, rather than the selfish ways and ambitions of this world.



“Oh God, I am amazed at your love and compassion. You and high and lifted up and yet you humble yourself to feel my pain and infirmities. Help me to have the same heart that you have. Amen.”



I will not get entangled in a worldly net,




The orphans and the widows I will not forget!


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