Look Up - No. 98

Isaiah 41:10, “Be not dismayed; for I am your God.” 

The Hebrew word for “be dismayed” means “to gaze about, to be non-plussed, to look around in amazement or bewilderment.”

Where are you looking, dear mother? Are you looking in despair at all you have to do? Are you looking at the difficulties you face and worrying how you can cope? Or are you looking up? God, who is our Rock, our Fortress, our Savior and our Deliverer specifically tells us to stop looking at what we see – and look to Him. He is God. He is in control. We can trust Him unreservedly with our lives and all our problems.

How can I do it? I have too much to do,


I’m overwhelmed and feeling real blue,


I’m stuck in this house like super glue.


    Don’t look around – LOOK UP!




The dishes and laundry are piled up high,


When I look ‘round the house I have to sigh,


And for supper my husband’s expecting a pie!


    Don’t look around – LOOK UP!




We can’t pay the mortgage; bills are overdue,


I’m tired and have headaches, not a few,


These children are driving me crazy too!


    Don’t look around – LOOK UP!




My husband comes home late; he doesn’t care,


He doesn’t help with the children; it’s not fair!


I don’t want to smile; I just want to glare!


    Don’t look around – LOOK UP!




Take your eyes off your problems, look up to Him,


God’s presence is with you, even in the din!


Confess your bad mood and He’ll cleanse your sin.


    He is your God – LOOK UP!




He will show you how to order your place,


He will give you direction as you seek His face,


He wants to pour upon you His anointing of grace.


    He is your God – LOOK UP!




Keep your eyes fixed on Him; He is your Stay,


He is your Wisdom for problems each day,


He will bring His presence right into your fray.


    He is your God – LOOK UP!




Each morning He comes as the refreshing Dew


To revive your body, and your spirit too,


He is your Deliverer and He’ll make you new,


    He is your God – LOOK UP!






“Oh God, forgive me for looking at everything, except You. Oh God, help me to remember that you are bigger than my circumstances and the problems that I face. I thank you that you are my God. You are in control of my life and every situation. I look to you, Lord, as my Source and my Deliverer. Amen.”




I’m going for the up-look!

Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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