Above Only, Pt 2 - No. 17

Judges 5:24, “Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.”

Have you ever read the story of Jael in Judges chapters 4 and 5? If not, it’s worth reading. But I must warn you. It is rather gory. Perhaps I better tell you what she did in case you don’t get time to read the whole story today. 

When Sisera, captain of the king of the Canaanites, was fleeing from the victorious Israelites, he ran to the tent (the home) of Jael. She brought him into her tent, gave him food, and let him sleep. However, while he was asleep, she took a hammer and a sharp tent peg, quietly crept up to him, and nailed the peg through his temples!  At her feet he lay dead!

I wonder why Jael was praised so profusely for such a bloodthirsty deed? A number of translations say, “Most blessed of women is Jael…” 

I believe she was praised because she took authority over the enemy! It must have been a very scary thing for her, as a woman, to do. She was obviously all-alone. But she knew that there would never be peace in their land while this man lived! She had to take action. In doing so, she became blessed above all other women in their homes.

Dear mother, you have enemies that surreptitiously creep into your home. You have enemies that would seek to undermine your marriage and your home. You have enemies around you in society that want to steal your children from their divine purpose on this earth. Don’t let them linger around. Take authority over them in the power of the name of Jesus Christ.  If you are walking in obedience to the Lord and His word, you have this authority in His name. 

Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power… over all the power of the enemy.”

If you want to have the victory in your home, you as the mother must live in the victory. You must live above, and not beneath. This is the overcoming life. The eternal crowns and rewards are promised to the overcomers. Now, if there is nothing in your life to overcome, how can you be an overcomer? Life is full of challenges, difficulties and problems. You either live under them or above them! 

Last year my son was involved in a huge undertaking that had never been done before. It was a mind-blowing project that was also thwart with constant problems and challenges. I talked to him one day and as his mother comfortingly asked, “How are you getting on with all your problems?”

“I don’t have problems,” he replied, “only work!” Every new problem is a challenge to overcome. 

Will you live above today?



“Lord, I know that in you, I am “above” in all circumstances. Help me to remember this. Thank you for the victory that you give me. Help me to be an overcomer today in the power of the name of Jesus.  Amen.” 



“God wants you to be a victor, not a victim.”


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