Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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Take time to look at your children and appreciate the miracles they are. Thank God for them. Embrace them as miracles and joy in them.
The word “wonders” is the Hebrew word “pala” and means “astonishing, extraordinary, marvelous, miraculous, wondrous, to accomplish.” It reveals God doing things beyond the powers of human powers or expectations.
It is used in Genesis 18:14 about the miraculous conception of Isaac: “Is (pala) any thing too hard (pala) for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son.” God miraculously restored Sarah’s womanly cycle and she conceived during the “time of life,” the time of the month when the womb is ready for conception and a miracle of God.
Although this was a very special miracle to an older woman, every married woman has this opportunity for a miracle during her “time of life.”
This word is used of God creating each new life in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16). The psalmist exclaims: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous (pala) are thy works.”
God uses this word when describing a couple falling in love (Proverbs 30:18, 19). God calls it marvelous and wonderful. I’m sure it makes His heart smile for it is His plan and design.
Each night as I am going off to sleep, I like to think of all the wonders around me for which I can thank God and then I like to do it again as I wake in the morning.
We can easily get bogged down with all the pressures and complexities of life. But look up today, dear mother. Rejoice in the miracles all around you. You have wonders without number if you will only open your eyes.
Be filled with thanksgiving today,
Nancy Campbell
We are to show to our children, and all people, God’s marvelous works. We must not keep them hidden: 1 Chronicles 16:9, 12, 24; Psalm 9:1; 26:7; 71:17; 78:4 (specifically); 96:3; 105:2, 5; 107:8, 15, 21, 31; 119:27; and 145:5.
God loves to do wonderful and marvelous things: Exodus 3:20; 34:10; Job 5:9; 37:5, 14; Joshua 3:5; Psalm 31:21; 40:5; 72:18; 75:1; 78:32; 86:10; 98:1; 106:7, 21, 22; 111:4; 118:23; 119:18; 136:4; Isaiah 28:19; 29:14; Jeremiah 32:17, 27; Joel 2:26; and Zechariah 8:6-8.
~ Nancy