Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

In this most important hour of our history, we who are privileged to live and be a part of God’s church at war in our generation must be on high alert to what could be our greatest battle yet. Whether we know it or not, time is running out fast. Nations that were less than a few months ago as free as some states in our nation have, without a shot being fired, fallen to extreme hard-nosed tyrannical communistic style government, e.g. Australia and New Zealand, Canada, nd various European countries. These countries have enjoyed democratic liberty and freedom and yet have surrendered quickly to totalitarian police statism. If you are not vaccinated, your freedom is gone and you become their target.
This war cannot be won with natural weapons only. Most importantly, we must use the spiritual weapons God has given us to fight with. This war is not a natural war. It is a spiritual war. The weapons of our warfare and not carnal (fleshly, natural) but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Who would have thought that vaccinations would become the catalyst to usher in government control over our own bodies? It has certainly been proved over and over, even by those responsible for administering these vaccinations, masks etc. that they do not protect anyone from the so-called common viruses.
Therefore, we ask ourselves, why are governments making such a big thing of it? This morning (1 – 18 – 22) we were praying for England which has also been under heavy restrictions and mandates to vaccinate. We were asking God for these heavy restrictions to be removed as we need to travel again and resume speaking engagements in England and the rest of UK.
A few hours’ later, while driving in our car, we heard Bois Johnson, Prime Minister of England, lift all mandates and all Covid regulations, including mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports, mask wearing etc. Praise be to the Lord of Heaven and earth who has given the Prime Minister of England the courage to make this bold stand. This is indeed a great encouragement to our faith, and we will continue pray that all the leaders of the nations of these so-called free democracies will do likewise.
Earnest prayer is indeed a great weapon to break the chains of these evil deceptions.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell