Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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We are only one or the other, male or female. We are either XY if male or XX if female. God makes that abundantly clearly through the three witnesses of truth—biblically, physically, and innately.
Throughout God’s Word, He makes the absolute distinction between male and female and calls anything else an abomination (Leviticus 182-25). Check the following:
Male (zakar) / female (nqebah) Notice that the two Hebrew words are totally different (Genesis 1: 27).
Man / woman (Genesis 2:23).
Father / mother (Genesis 2:24).
Husband / wife (Genesis 2:25; Proverbs 12:4; 31:11, 12, and 28).
Master / mistress (Genesis 16:4 and 24:9).
Bridegroom / bride (Psalm 19:5; Isaiah 49:18; 61:10; 62:5; and Jeremiah 33:11).
Mankind / womankind (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13).
Young men / maidens (Isaiah 62:5).
Sons / daughters (Genesis 5:4).
Boys / girls (Zechariah 8:5).
God called them Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Arthur W. Pink comments on God's creation of man: "Not both males or both females, but one male and one female; and to make the design of this unmistakably plain God says, "Be fruitful and multiply." For this reason marriage is called "matrimony," which signifies motherage because it results in virgins becoming mothers."
The Latin word for mother is “mater” from which come the words maternal, maternity, matrimony, marriage, wedlock, nuptial, connubial, and hymeneal (coming from hymen, the virginal membrane).
Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary tells us that the “Latin word for feminine comes from “femina” meaning woman. The first syllable is probably from womb, by the use of “f” for “w.” The last part of the word is probably from man, quasi, femman, meaning womb-man.”
Actually, there are only two types of people in this world—a man without a womb, the male; and a man with a womb, the woman, therefore a “womb-man.” The glory of the woman is her womb.
You may have heard that Biden and his cohorts have removed the word “mother” from their health programs for the phrase “birthing people.” The liberals keep taking out words from the Bible that have belonged to the generations since the beginning of time. They want nothing to do with God and His ultimate plan.
I intend to keep to God’s vocabulary of female, woman, and mother. God chose the word mother! And I’m not giving it up. God used the word “mother” before there was ever a mother on the earth (Genesis 2;24)! He ordained mothers before there were mothers. Mothers are His plan for the world. To reveal His maternal heart to the world. To bring softness and tenderness to the knocks and the hardships of this world. To keep this world going and to birth, nurture, and train great men and women who will bless the world.
In this world of ridiculous deception, embrace your motherhood anointing in a greater way than you ever have before. Know that you are walking in the perfect will of God. Lift your head high and be proud of the calling God has given you. You have been named “mother” by God. You have been created for this purpose. Never be intimidated by those who are deceived.
Live your God-anointed life of mothering today,
Nancy Campbell