Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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God doesn’t leave us guessing. The Bible tells us that we establish truth by two or three witnesses and God has given us three witnesses to know who we are as women.
1. Biblically
2. Biologically
3. Innately
As we look at the biblical texts, they will also take us into the biological because God, of course, is the originator of biology and science.
The first mention of the woman is in Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; MALE AND FEMALE created he them.”
Isn’t it amazing? It is inherent. The first thing a woman does when she has birthed a baby is to ask with bated breath, “Is it a boy or a girl?” That’s the first thing we want to know. It’s one or the other. And how do we know? By their genitals.
We are either XX, the genetic marker of the female, or XY, the genetic marker of the male and these genetic markers are found in EVERY CELL OF THE HUMAN BODY INCLUDING THE BRAIN!
I think that Judge Jackson was too fearful to acknowledge that women are different than men. Such a basic fact and yet the liberals want to deny it. We could fill pages of the differences that have been discovered between male and female and yet we have not discovered them all.
Did you know that there are over 6500 shared genes that are expressed DIFFERENTLY In human males and females? Did you know that men have up to six million red blood cells while women only have four to five million?
The word “female” in Genesis 1:27 is “nqebah.” It means “opposite to male” and we see that the Hebrew word for male is quite different, “zakar.” The word female comes from a root word “naqab” to pierce.
To get to the nitty gritty, God created the women with an opening to be entered by the man’s penis. This is God’s plan for the continuing of the generations. We cannot “be fruitful and multiply” without male and female. We fit one another perfectly.
Because Satan hates everything God creates, he seeks to destroy it. Sadly, men have raped and depraved women but in the beauty of marriage God intends His plan to be the most beautiful, satiating, and glorious act.
We go to the New Testament and discover the word that is used for female in the Greek language. In Matthew chapter 19 the Pharisees came to Jesus to tempt him and asked Him about divorce. In verse 4, Jesus answers them: “Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female.”
The most common Greek word for woman in the New Testament is “gune” which simply means "woman, wife." However, Jesus used a more specific word when He answered the Pharisees. He used the word “thelus” which comes from the root word “thele.” The noun means "the nipple of a woman’s breast from which a baby sucks to find sustenance and to thrive" and the verb means, "to suckle at the breast." In other words, Jesus described the female as a "suckling mother." This is how God made them in the beginning,” He reminded them. And God has not yet made a new model!
Oh my, Ketanji Brown Jackson would be scared of this description, wouldn’t she? It is a rare feminist who would like that description. And yet this is the word Jesus called women.
When we embrace babies and suckle them at the breast, we are doing what our female body was created to do. We live in the glory of our femaleness. We find our greatest beauty. We are not atrophying. And we wield a mighty power.
The mother who embraces life and suckles a babe at her breast is not wasting her time. She nourishes a child who potentially bears the image of God—a child who will come forth from her home one day to bring God’s love and salvation to many. Maybe this child will be a mighty voice to turn a nation to God. And she nurtures a child for everlasting eternity. It is still true that “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”
Dear precious ladies, we have only begun to understand the meaning of the word woman. It is so vast and powerful and nation impacting. I will share more with you in the next few days. Keep checking each day to learn more.
Much love,
Nancy Campbell
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