DoesWondersOur God is a dwelling God. He loves to dwell with His people. He loves to dwell in rest. He especially loves to dwell in the praises of His people.
Psalm 22:3 says: “Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” Think about it. If God loves to dwell in the midst of praises, don’t you think that should be the environment His people should also dwell in? After reading this Scripture, I wrote these words in my journal this morning:
Where does God want to dwell?
In the midst of praises!
Where do people want to dwell?
In the midst of praises!
It is detrimental to a person’s life to live in a home where they hear nothing but negative and discouraging words. It’s a curse upon their life. Conversely, it is a blessing to live in a home where they are constantly praised and affirmed. Therefore, fellow wives and mothers, shouldn’t we make it our passion to create a home that is filled with positive, kind, encouraging, uplifting, and pleasant words?
What environment are you creating? Does your husband bask in the atmosphere of your praises?
What about your children? Are you daily affirming them? I believe that encouragement is the rich soil in which we grow our children to their full potential. It is more necessary and powerful than teaching facts and figures. Children can learn all their lessons but if they are not encouraged, they will find it hard to amount to anything.
The Bible is true when it says in Proverbs 12:25 (TLB) “A word of encouragement does WONDERS.”
Let’s build homes where God loves to dwell, and each one in our family loves to dwell.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Today’s Scripture about Israel:

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