HealingTongueMy husband is wonderful at blessing everyone each morning. At the end of our Family Devotions, he always ends with a positive affirmation such as:
“May you have the greatest day of your life.”
“May this be the best day you have ever lived so far!”
“May you be filled with the joy of the Lord today.”
One time he went through the alphabet and used a different adjective of the alphabet for each day. For example:
“May you all be ANOINTED of the Holy Spirit today.”
“May you be BOLD to speak up for truth today.”
Or at the end of the alphabet, “May you all be ZEALOUS for God today.”
I am blessed to be constantly encouraged by my husband. Then again, I constantly encourage him too. In fact, it may seem strange, but I never call Colin by his name unless I am speaking about him. When talking to him directly I call him Darling, Lovely, or Precious, etc. Because he is closer to me than anyone else and is my dearest husband, it seems far too common to call him the name everyone else calls him. In our 62 years of our marriage, I have always used an endearing name for him.
Every time you open your mouth, remember to speak life. We all know the Scripture: “Life and death are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). Which words will come out of your mouth today?
Speak hope. Speak encouragement. Speak positive affirmation. Speak wisdom. Speak health. Oh yes, did you know that you can keep sickness out of your home by speaking health and wholeness?
Proverbs 12:18: “The tongue of the wise is health.”
Proverbs 15:4 (HCSB): “The tongue that heals is a tree of life.”
Proverbs 16:24: “Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” This may seem outlandish but in all the years of raising our children we didn’t rely on or even have a family doctor. Apart from normal children’s sicknesses and ailments which we treated at home we never needed a doctor. Oh yes, we were often at the Emergency Room for broken bones and bodies gashed open through accidents, but otherwise the children lived in wonderful health.
Fill your home with encouraging and healing words.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Israel Scripture for today:

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