Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

However, I think you can notch it up further and make it a . . .
Don’t just yell Hi from the kitchen when your husband comes home. Get up from what you are doing. Go to the door or walk toward your husband and welcome him with open arms and a loving and lingering kiss. Tell him how happy you are to see him. A warm welcome is nice, but a hot spicy welcome is even nicer!
Make a lovely nutritious meal for your husband and family but make it spicy and full of flavor too. Bland food is boring. Spice up your food with herbs and spices and if you are up to it, hot peppers too. Basic, wholesome food changes from satisfying to scrumptious when you make it flavorful. God gave us tastebuds. Tantalize those tastebuds. Try out new things.
And spice up your family mealtimes with good conversation. Mealtimes can be terribly boring if there is no purposeful conversation. As I raised our children, I found that it was just as important to think about what we would talk about as what I would cook for the meal. Things don’t just happen. You have to make them happen. Think of a subject to bring to the table to discuss with your husband and family—political, biblical, historical, or geographical. Ask a question and get each one in the family to share their thoughts. Think of ideas to make your mealtimes exciting.
Always be ready to love your husband passionately. Forget being passive and pour out your hot spicy love on him. He is waiting for it. As you give to him, you will be blessed beyond measure. Proverbs 5:19 tells us that the wife is to “satisfy” and “ravish” her husband. Yes, that’s King James language. Other translations say “captivate, intoxicate, exhilarate, rapture” I can’t let you off the hook, ladies. It’s Bible!
Your husband will love coming home to you!