GloryWomenMy last post to you was about the woman of honor and dignity. But the Bible gives many descriptions of women.
Proverbs 11:16 says: “A gracious woman retains honor.” The word “honor” in this Scripture is a different Hebrew word than in Proverbs 31:25. Some modern translations say that she earns respect, but the word “respect” is not strong enough. It is the Hebrew word “kabod” and means “weight (don’t despair: it doesn’t mean bodily weight, but to carry an authority in your speech and demeanor), glory, esteem, majesty, and wealth.” The word is mostly translated as “glory” in the Scriptures. The Douay-Rheims Bible translates it most correctly: “A gracious woman shall find glory.”
Feminists are fighting harder than ever for their women’s rights! They despise their womb. They rant and rave for the right to murder unborn children. How sad they do not understand that God has already endowed them with glory and majesty—the glory of womanhood.
I ask the question: why fight against the way God created us? Why throw away the glory that has already been given to us (Hosea 9:11)?
Do you notice that this Scripture says that the gracious woman RETAINS her glory? She doesn’t have to acquire it. It has already been given to her. All she needs to do is keep it. Hang on to it. Don’t throw it away. We keep our glory by embracing who God created us to be. By loving the way God created us as a female. By embracing child-bearing, nursing, and nurturing children. By adding glory to our husbands. and nursing a baby. By living dignified, gracious, and sensible lives.
How is it that women do not understand the way God created them? The Scripture is true that when people do not want God in their knowledge that He gives them over to a “reprobate mind,” a mind that is void of judgment (Romans 1:28).
This word “kabod” that speaks of women also describes God’s glory! God has invested us with a glory from Him when He created us female. How dare we throw it back in His face. Let’s retain our glory. This is how we glorify Him.
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by William Rothenstein (1872 - 1945): Mother and Child (candlelight, oil on canvas).
Some examples of God’s glory: Exodus 24:17; 33:22; Numbers 14:10, 22; 16:42; Psalm 24:7-10; 29:3; 145:5; 2 Chronicles 5:14; 7:2; and Zechariah 2:5.

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