Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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One of the things she shared was that they felt there would be a return to the “family altar.” She stopped and said, “Well, I don’t know what that means. I have never heard of it.” But I did know what it means, and my heart leapt to hear these words because they are forgotten words in the body of Christ today. Even archaic words. But they shouldn’t be archaic because the truth comes from the Living and eternal Word of God.
I decided to check out what she was saying and found it on the Internet. In one of the paragraphs I read:
“During this Era of the Holy Spirit, many prodigals will come back to the Lord. We are backing the Turnaround Tuesday movement where the Body of Christ fasts on Tuesday for the salvation of families and for prodigals to come home. God will also shake and prune the church to prepare to receive them, along with the great harvest. (I had not heard about Turnaround Tuesday but it sounds great. I am sure that families who have prodigals would love to check this out and join in this fasting and prayer).
The vision continued: “There will be a special emphasis in 2022 on the family. God is calling families to “build the family altar” in their homes and pray with and for their families.”
There was the phrase in writing. What does it mean? “The family altar” was one time part of the daily life of every Christian family. Every morning and evening they would gather as a family to meet with God—to hear His words and to pray and worship together.
It comes from the passage in Leviticus 6:8-13 where God gave the instructions of how to conduct the burnt offerings on the altar. He told them that the fire on the altar was NEVER to go out. He told them to keep it going by attending to it every morning and every evening. If we want the fire of God to keep burning in our lives and each member of our family, we must attend to the fire every morning and evening. Fires go out easily if they are not constantly refueled.
God wants each family burning brightly for Him. O, how I was encouraged to hear that God is calling His families again to the family altar.
Will you hear His call? Are you ready to rearrange your family lives to incorporate the family altar into each day? To meet with Him morning and evening is the very least that we can give to Him in the 24 hours He gives us each day. I have found in my own experience that I cannot hope this will happen. I must make it happen. I make it happen and everything else fits around it. If other things don’t get done, it doesn’t matter. But if we let this go, the fire will go out.
Let’s respond to God’s call. This is the beginning of revival. If a move of God does not begin and CONTINUE in the families of God’s people, it will be something that comes and goes but does not last.
Oh, let’s turn back to His ways,
Nancy Campbell
I would encourage you to check out the following materials:
To read more about the Morning and Evening Principle in the Scriptures go to: