Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

In Isaiah 6:1 we read how Isaiah saw “the Lord sitting upon a throne, HIGH AND LIFTED UP, and his train filled the temple.” Although God was “high and lifted up” the hem of His garment came down to the people. The word train is the Hebrew word “school” and means “a letting down, the skirt, hem, or bottom edge of the garment.” It’s like the train of a bridal dress that flows along the floor after her. Don’t you love bridal trains?
Psalm 133 gives the beautiful picture of the anointing oil running down the head and then the beard of Arron the High Priest. But it didn’t stop there. The anointing oil flowed all the way down to the skirts of his garments.
We all know the beautiful story of the women who suffered chronic bleeding for twelve years. She pushed through the crowds and touched them hem of Jesus’ garment and was instantly healed.
Although God’s anointing is high, it comes right down to where we are. You can reach out and touch the hem of His garment for healing, for comfort, for strength, for wisdom, or whatever your need. God brings it right to where you are in your home. There is anointing in the hem of His garment. Read the beautiful passage in Psalm 113:4-9 where once again it pictures God “high above all nations and his glory above the Heavens.” And yet He comes down to the poor and needy and to the mother in her home (v. 9).
I think this also speaks to us as mothers in a practical way. I think that little children also receive blessing, assurance, and safety from the skirts of their mothers. I know my little ones used to hang on to my skirts and even hide under my skirts when they were little.
Sadly the skirts of some mothers are so short that little ones cannot reach them. I think there is something special about the skirts of the mother.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell