NoInvadersAre you concerned about protecting your home? Do you lock your doors when you go out and at night?

We don’t lock our doors during the day as there are so many family members coming and going, but we lock at night. We like to be as secure as possible when we bed down for the night.

I think it’s inherent within us to protect our families and our homes, don’t you? I was reminded of this again when I typed the Scripture we discussed yesterday. Psalm 144:14 says: “Our enemies will not invade our land, and there’ll be no breach in our walls.” This is one of the blessings of a nation that follows the ways of God.

But this is what I can’t understand. We have certain senators and congressmen and women who don’t want to protect our nation. They openly want terrorists to come freely into our land. They welcome anyone, even those who can’t support themselves. “Don’t worry. We’ll feed you, house you, and pay your medical bills,” they say. But who pays? Us taxpayers. They want to establish more Sanctuary Cities to house terrorists. This thinking is so unnatural to normal instinct. Normality wants to protect.

We currently have approximately 11.2 million undocumented immigrants living in USA. Some say 12.5 million. In 2017 FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) reported the total cost of illegal immigration at $135 billion a year. Some reports say more and some less.

Interestingly, many of these politicians have fences around their own homes, and some even have guards. We would not be against them doing this. It’s normal. We all desire protection and privacy. But with this mindset, why don’t they want to guard the nation they are paid by us to protect?

God blesses a nation that walks in His ways. "Righteousness exalts a nation” Proverbs 14:34 states. One of the blessings is that we will have no invaders and no breaks in our walls. We will be secure. Sadly, we have thousands of people trying to invade our land, expecting to walk in freely while carrying the flags of their own countries! I watched one young man on the news from the caravan proudly state: “Not even God will stop me coming in!”

If we have any normal instinct within us, we’ll stand for protecting our borders.

Of course, we should welcome those who come legally. We are legal immigrants ourselves. We came to this wonderful country 27 years ago. We then applied for Green cards and became “resident aliens.” We later applied for citizenship and are very proud to be American citizens.

What does God say? The nation that has no invaders will be happy! The last verse of Psalm 144 says: “HAPPY is that people, that is in such a case: yea, HAPPY is that people, whose God is the LORD.”

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell


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