Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
2 Samuel 22:26: "With the merciful thou wilt show thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt show thyself upright."
Men, one of the lessons we should learn from the good Samaritan parable is to beware of religious bigotry. A Samaritan was not considered by the Jews to be one of God's covenanted people. The priest and the Levite were both closely associated with the closer performance of the temple, therefore why did they not understand that they should show compassion on the half dead man? They either thought the seriously wounded man was not a Jew or, if he was, he was not worthy enough to be shown mercy.
Perhaps, the real reason for their indifference was that both the priest and the Levite were so spiritually bankrupt that they had no godly mercy and compassion to give anyone, let alone this wounded man. Without question, God is known to be most merciful and we who have received so much mercy should also be very liberal in mercy.
Let's ask the question: How many of us are willing to show acts of mercy to someone? For example, a famous TV evangelist when he falls, even if it was his own fault? Most will say he deserves what he got and clap their hands. What about someone from a different denomination of the Christian faith who we know has been wounded? What about a member of our own family who has harmed us in the past and now lies wounded? What about a political enemy who lies wounded?
In spite of all our Christian churches, in every corner of the nation there are multitudes of spiritually wounded people who have been unfairly attacked, often by those who should know better.
Christian families are not exempt. They also have many wounded members. There are multitudes who desperately need our mercy and compassion, but where are the good Samaritans? Everyone of us should receive the injunction of Jesus at the end of his parable when He asked, "Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves?" (Luke 10:36).
The lawyer answered: "He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go and do thou likewise" (Luke 10:37).
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell