Raising Sons | Sons of Courage
Sons of Courage![SONSOFCOURAGE](/images/pinterestpics/SONSOFCOURAGE.jpg)
Lord, give me sons like Daniel of old
Who for the truth will be strong and bold,
Sons who would dare to the Lord be true,
Striving to please Him in all that they do.
Lord, give me sons who would dare to do right
When father and mother are nowhere in sight,
Though down in Egypt they stand alone
In the midst of a crowd to evil prone.
Lord, give me sons who are pure in heart;
Who ignore the “sights” in the busy mart
Of girls, too careless to clothe their frame
Yet some even profess to love Jesus’ name!
Lord, give me sons so yielded to Thee
That the world at a glance Thy likeness can see;
O give me sons with ambition so pure
That naught from the path of right can allure.
Lord, of the sons Thou hast lent to me–
I gladly return them for service to Thee,
Nor would I ever in sadness repine,
If Thou should’st reclaim in death what is Thine.
Vera Miller
Reprinted with permission from Heart Throbs of Motherhood.