13. Make your wife's life easier by picking up after yourself.

Do not expect you wife to pick up after you all the time. I am sure that picking up after you was not in the marriage agreement. Unfortunately, some husbands expect their wives to run around behind them and pick up their dirty plates, cups, papers, and mess.

Men, when you get out of your dirty shirts, socks, and underwear, etc., pick them up and put them where they should go--in a bin or basket where your wife can easily take them to the laundry. Try to keep your part of the bedroom tidy. Hang up your clothes.

Help clear the table after the meal is ended. It will not do you any harm to sweep the floor. If your children are not yet old enough to wash the dishes, lend a hand.

Although it is your wife's primary responsibility to keep the home clean, tidy, and in order, do not ever let her feel that she is your slave or servant.

Make sure that your children do the chores they are assigned to do in order to make things easier for your wife. Do not overdo the excuse that you are too tired to help. Remember, she also gets tired and her work is never ended.

Be encouraged. Colin
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12. Keep your home surroundings tidy.

I believe it is a good thing for a home-loving wife to have a husband who does his best to keep the exterior of his house clean, repaired, painted, and tidy. He should keep the lawns mowed and organize his family to assist in regular clean-ups. He does this primarily to bless his wife.

When God planted a garden for Adam and Eve, He called the garden "Eden" meaning "delight."

I am sure that Eve was blessed with absolutely beautiful surroundings. All Adam had to do was to tend to it and keep it beautiful and delightful.

I am not saying that men have to provide a mansion for their wife, but they should make the most of whatever they can afford for the sake of their wife. You wife should not have to live in a house surrounded by old junk cars, nothing put away tidily, heaps of mess everywhere, things not repaired, and the lawns unmowed.

God did not intend that Eve should live this way for He planted a garden that would delight the first stay-at-home mother.

Each husband should try his best to provide a delightful setting for his wife and family.

Love your wife by doing your best to keep your surroundings tidy.

Be encouraged. Colin
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11. If it all possible, prepare a garden for her.

A little bit of manly work of digging and weeding will do a man no harm.

Read up on how to make a really good vegetable garden. It will keep you and your whole family more down to earth. It will save you lots of money. It will also provide you with lots of healthy nutritious organic food to feed your growing family.

Encourage your growing children to get involved and your wife will love to be involved with the planting. If you grow more than enough, you will be able to bless your friends. Or, your children could set up a roadside stall and sell the surplus.

If you have the right attitude about it, it can be a lot of fun.

I also like to grow beautiful flowers near my wife's office window so they can bring joy to her heart. Your wife at home will be greatly blessed if you provide some nice flower gardens for her, too. A woman needs flowers, and a husband needs a happy and contented wife. Flowers will help.

The first home was in the midst of a garden (Genesis 2:8).

Even in the difficult times of captivity God told His people to build houses and plant gardens and eat the fruit of them: (Jeremiah 29:5).

Be encouraged. Colin
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10. Do your very best to provide well for your wife so she has sufficient money to do basic family shopping.

I know we are living in increasingly difficult financial times and many men are being laid off from their work. In times like these, many Christian stay-at-home mothers can be tempted to leave their homes to go back to Egypt (to the corporate world) just to make ends meet. In doing so, they sacrifice their family and their most needed motherhood. This would be a greater loss to the family than meeting payments on the family car, etc.

In times like these, we need to think outside of the box and do some creative thinking. Perhaps it is time to star up your own business.

I am constantly looking into different ideas that may be good and yet simple to support the family income. Here are two I have recently signed up with as you don't have to put down any money. I like that!

Go to:
www.gobza.com/28790 (read all about lots of potential)
www.ultimatepowerprofits.com/MrC72 (everyone is paid every six days--lots of potential here, too).

You could give them a shot. Nothing to lose.

Be encouraged. Colin
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9. Stand by your wife and support her whenever you discover any of the children have been giving their mother a hard time by deliberately being disrespectful.

When fathers come home they should enquire from their wives as to the behavior of their children towards their mother, as well as towards each other. Small infractions that are normal for young children should be overlooked. A quiet reminder and encouragement to behave better may be all that is required by father.

However, bad moods, insolence, disrespect, and rebellion towards their mother who is trying hard to do what is right for her children must be dealt with by the father when he gets home. He should give appropriate discipline, followed by loving words of encouragement. to do better. The child should be made to sincerely apologize whom apology is due.

If a father neglects to stand by his wife and support her efforts to teach and train his children, she will become discouraged and feel inadequate to fulfill her great and important work.

A homekeeping mother who is sacrificing her life for the sake of God and her family needs the full weight of her husband's support. Otherwise she will feel a victim, and in a sense, abused.

Be encouraged to be an encourager. Colin
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