1. MEN WITH BACKBONE (continued).

I believe that most men respect the manly virtue of having backbone for it speaks of the ability to stand up in the face of opposition. A man may appear strong physically, but if his spine is injured he is still a weak man. There is something wrong when a man speaks the truth, but backs down when he is opposed by friends or foes. He reveals that he is a pushover.

Every man should stand by his convictions to truth and never back down, not for anyone--no matter how many important or wealthy they may be. It is morally wrong to cave in and compromise on matters of truth.

Speak the truth and stand by it, come hell or high water!

We are living in days of much pressure to compromise on moral values such as homosexuality, abortion, and adultery. If we keep compromising, the day will soon come when we will not know right from wrong and we will start calling what is wrong right. This is the world we are facing now.

There will always be multitudes who will pat you on the back when you compromise values to their way of thinking, but deep down they would respect you more if you stuck to your guns about the truth.

"Buy the truth, and sell it not" (Proverbs 23:23).

Be encouraged. Colin
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Men, I am very concerned about the coming elections. I feel they are perhaps the most important this nation has faced for many years. This present administration seems to me to be as hard-core communist as they could possibly be, and we haven't seen anything yet!

If this president gets another four years in office, I fear that the United States of America will be hard to recognize as the great country it has been. The next four years under our current president would be heavy duty dismantling of America as we have known it.

All the cities and states in this nation that have been following this extreme socialistic agenda are either broke already, or are going broke at an alarming rate. Many are looking to the federal government, or other cities and states, to bail them out. But, from where will this money come? They should not be bailed out by any means unless they change their liberal agenda.

It is highly possible that God would allow the present form of Obama government in order to bring a form of judgment on America for all of this nation's sins, which are many.

Men, we must call upon our God of mercy that He will have mercy upon us and deliver us at this crucial time.

To be continued.

Be encouraged. Colin
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21. Make memories with your wife and family. Surprise her!

Men, life can become so routine, for ourselves, as well as our wife and family. In order to make memories we need to break with the normal routine.

Surprises make memories!

Take your wife for a pleasant walk somewhere. Fast walking is not conducive to fellowship; therefore remember to stroll hand in hand, or arm in arm--a nice walk in a park, around a lake, or in the woods (although I have to confess that it is hard to get my wife to take a stroll--she likes to walk fast!) Take time to sit down somewhere on a park bench to chat, or find a private spot in the woods to cuddle and kiss (my wife won't say No to that!).

Bring home flowers or something special she really likes to eat. Think of unexpected surprises which will generate pleasant memories.

Take time from your normal routine to spend a romantic night in a nice motel nearby. Include a romantic meal as well. It doesn't have to be far away, or expensive, but you will be creating lovely memories.

Family vacations are always create great memories. Go somewhere different. Try to be more adventurous. Be more creative. Start making plans today.

Be encouraged to think about your first surprise! Colin
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20. Keep yourself physically clean, tidy, and in good shape.

Most men, when seeking to court a lady in view of marriage, will take stock of their appearance in order to make the most of what God has given them. They will shower, spruce up their hair, put on a clean shirt and pants, pull themselves up to their full height, and put on all the graces they can master. They do this to win the "love of their life" and hope she will accept him as her man.

It seems sad to me that once he has won her affections and the wedding is over that he begins to gradually let the standards of grace slip. In a way, he has given her a false impression. It was all just "a put on" to get her.

I believe that all husbands should clean up and tidy up their appearance for the evening meal. Your wife will notice that you still seek to honor her as your wife and lover. You should still count it as a privilege to sit with her and your family for the evening--looking, smelling, and acting your best, or at least close to your best.

As the years go by, do your best to keep yourself trim, not only for your own sake, but for the sake of your wife and family. Do not allow yourself to be scruffy and unkempt for the rest of your life.

Start today.

Be encouraged. Colin
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19. Keep yourself spiritually and mentally clean.

Men, in order to encourage our wives to be homekeeping, homeschooling mothers, they need to have a husband through whom Christ's light shines as brightly as possible.

Just as all creation needs the light of the sun to survive, so does your wife and family. They need all forms of darkness cut off so they also will not only survive, but will actually thrive.

If the head of the home is infected by some form of darkness, be it pornography or some unclean habit of lust, it will have a negative impact upon the wife and family. Remember, you can't keep darkness to yourself alone. It will affect the atmosphere of your home, as well as all your family.

Light brings encouragement when the storms of darkness are raging around us.

The Scripture admonishes us to not walk in darkness (John 12:35; Romans 13:12; Ephesians 5:11; 1 John 1:5-7).

Jesus said, "Ye are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14-16). In order to light up the world, we must start first with the world around us-- our wife and family.

Be encouraged. Colin
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