Life To The Full Podcast


PODCAST TRANSCRIPT | EPISODE 301: Another January 6 Victim

LIFE TO THE FULL w/ Nancy Campbell

EPISODE 301Epi301picAnother January 6 Victim

Today I introduce to you Rebecca Lavrenz. She is on her way to Washington DC for her court trial. On January 6, 2021, Rebecca, a great-grandmother drove all the way from Colorado for the Rally.

In the afternoon she noticed people walking into the Capitol, so she followed them in. She walked around for 10 minutes and walked out! Later she was arrested by the FBI for walking into the People’s Capitol, and now waits for her trial.

Announcer: Welcome to the podcast, Life to The Full, with Nancy Campbell, founder and publisher of Above Rubies.

Nancy Campbell: Hello, wonderful ladies! Always so great to be with you. Now, at the moment, I’m in the middle of our series. We’re talking about all the different words that God calls our children. Remember, I was talking to you about “kids,” the word that everybody uses for their children. But it’s not a biblical word. We are talking about better words to call our children.

But, however, I’m going to have to let that go today. We’re going to come back to it because I’ve still got lots more to tell you there. But today, I have a very special guest all the way from Colorado. She and her daughter have come to stay with us this weekend.

Actually, Rebecca is her name, Rebecca Lavrenz. Rebecca is on her way to Washington DC, where tomorrow, wow, is it tomorrow? No, it will be next week. The 25th of March, she will be going to court for having been in the Capitol on January 6, 2021. OK, have I got your ears? You’re going to want to hear this story.

Colin, my husband, and myself were very, very blessed to be in Washington DC for that rally on January 6. I have to say, it was one of the most wonderful days of our lives. It was so amazing! That seems an incredible testimony, doesn’t it, when you hear all these things about that day, and people saying it was an insurrection and all these terrible things that happened.

Well, I have to tell you that I didn’t see one thing happen! Maybe I’ll tell you more as we go along, but we’re going to start off, and we’re going to hear Rebecca’s story, because she also went that day.

Wow! Now, here you are, and you’re on your way to a court case. So, Rebecca, it’s so wonderful to have you with us. You have a story to tell, and maybe you’ll just start from the very beginning. How did you even get the vision to go to that day?

Rebecca: Well, it sounds like we’re talking about The Sound of Music when you say, “Let’s start at the very beginning, right? [laughter] Well, first of all, I want to say, thank you, Nancy. I’ve followed you and your magazine since the ‘90’s. One of my sisters turned me on to your magazine, and I just loved it, because it goes back to very godly values that I think we’ve lost in our country. That’s very important, and I really, really appreciate you having me on the call and standing up for the values that are on God’s heart.

That’s where my story begins, because ever since I was born again in my teens, and I’m in my ‘70’s now, I made that decision that when I became a Christian, my life was no longer my own. As someone else has said, “I didn’t coin this phrase.” No, I’m just a coin in Jesus’ pocket. Use me however You want, and I’ve realized that.

One of the really foundational Scriptures that is important to me is that Jesus said to deny yourself. “Take up your cross and follow Me” and love Him with all your heart. Because that’s always been foundational in my heart. I’ve always made my mission in life to seek God with all of my heart, all of my soul, and to make Him Number One.

I kind of began my actual journey to the Capitol on January 6, probably at the end of December. My oldest son lives in Colorado Springs; I live just outside of Colorado Springs on five acres. He texted me, called me, and said, “Mom, are you thinking of going to the “Stop the Steal Rally” in Washington DC?”

I said, “Well, I hadn’t really considered it at all,” because I do have a bed and breakfast in Colorado, and I had some guests coming. My daughter, who sometimes runs things for me, was out of town. He said, “Well, Mom, I really think you need to pray about it.”

He had actually had a word for me back in October, my oldest son. It was quite interesting. He had a word for every one of his siblings as well as me. He said, in that little word, and I look back at it often, he said, “You are a pioneer, not only in prayer, but in action. You go places where other people won’t go.”

I thought of that later on, as you will see my story unfold. At the end of December, first of January, he said, “I think you need to pray about it, Mom.” I said, “OK, I’ll pray about it.” It didn’t take me too long after praying to feel like God really wanted me to go on this trip. I thought, “Oh, God, but how’s it going to work?” All the different details I had to work out. I was 68 at the time.

But then He said, “Rebecca, if you take on this venture, it’s going to extend your life, and you’re going to have so much joy and adventure.” I got excited about it. “Oh, this is going to be fun. It’s going to be an adventure. I’ve got to go after what God wants me to do.”

I’ve always been a believer in staying close to God. I spend a lot of time in quiet time with God because I want to hear His heart. That’s what I value too, about this call, is because I know the people who are listening to this, as well as you, Nancy, are listening to what God wants. Hopefully I’m listening to God’s heart.

I got excited about it and made the decision to go. My daughter, Jennifer came home to take care of things at my property. Then I woke up the next morning after my decision, and I looked at my bank checking account. I realized there was a $600 deposit, stimulus from President Trump. I thought, “Oh, my goodness! Here I’ve got the money for gas!”

Typically, it’s a long way from Colorado to Washington DC. My son said, “Mom, I know you won’t fly, because you never wear a mask. They might have to deal with that on the plane. It’s only 25 hours. You can make it.” I thought, “Oh, good! That’s another adventure!”

Nancy: So, you did it by yourself?

Rebecca: Yes.

Nancy: Wow, that is amazing!

Rebecca: I knew I was going to be very focused. I knew when I made the decision to go that I would fast and pray, because I wanted to really hear God, and not my own thoughts.

I got in the car the morning of the fourth, drove halfway, to St Louis, and the next drove the rest of the way to Washington DC. I got there in the evening and met up with my son and my grandson who were also going. Of course, I was tired from driving all day, but I still went back to the room in the house where my other daughter was working for the Republican National Committee.

She was out of town that day, so she said, “Stay in my room, Mom. It’s only $4 in the Capitol.” I went to bed that night. The next day I got up and left around 10 o’clock. I’ve got to tell this little story to you, if we have time.

Nancy: Yes!

Rebecca: When I left Colorado, I thought, “Well, I’d better make sure I have everything red, white, and blue, right?” So, I found a white scarf that belonged to my daughter Laura, and then I had a red-and-white scarf that belonged to my favorite aunt. She shared the same birthday with me. Her name was Laura. Both of those ladies, my daughter, and my aunt, were named “Laura.”

Thinking about it later, I realized, because names mean so much to me, and also to God, I looked up the name “Laura.” I already knew the name “Laura” means “victorious one.” It was really exciting, because we’re going into this in victory. I thought, “We’re going to the Capitol. I’m going here with millions, thousands, millions,” I know you know, Nancy. We saw that sea of people.

Nancy: Oh, yes! I think there must have been at least two million people. When we were at the Rally, you looked back, and you couldn’t even see the end of the crowd. It was so amazing!

Rebecca: Yes, it was amazing. We think there were two million, I just learned yesterday. Nancy, you had that class last night on American Covenant and there was a quiz. When the Revolutionary War started, they said there were two million people in the United States at that time.

Nancy: That was two million Christians, they said.

Rebecca: Oh, two million Christians!

Nancy: That was interesting.

Rebecca: Interesting! So, going back to the story, I got there, and like Nancy said, there was such peace and joy. Just a real patriotic feeling when we got there. I got there about ten o’clock, and I felt such an excitement.

Nancy: Now, you went straight to the Capitol, didn’t you?

Rebecca: Yes.

Nancy: We went to the Rally first. That was really amazing, with people all around us. So patriotic. I think one of the most beautiful times was walking up from the Rally, right up Pennsylvania Avenue, right up to the Capitol. Everyone was walking, and they were walking up other streets as well.

But Pennsylvania Avenue was crowded. People were singing hymns and singing patriotic songs. Yes, lots of placards with “Stop the Steal,” but also lots of placards with Bible verses, lifting up Jesus. It was so amazing.

Rebecca: Yes, I remember that right beside me, where I was, there were a couple of Asian ladies blowing shofars. It was very much a time of rejoicing, knowing that we were standing up for our country. I think that’s what’s so encouraging to me, even as I go along this journey this past year since I was arrested.

It’s exciting to know that there are millions of people who really do love our country. That’s why we’re here, right? On this podcast, to get the voice out there. We’re not outnumbered. There are millions of people who love our country. We are speaking out, because we want to save it. Our country’s in trouble!

But nothing’s impossible to God. He’s the One. Nancy and I were talking this morning about His government. The government is upon His shoulders, and He will bring it back in order (Isaiah 9:7). So, we have to rely on Him.

Back to my story. I was there, meeting lots of people, like Nancy was, in a different area. I got there, and then I realized I had actually positioned myself. I said, “How can this happen, that I’m right smack-dab in the front of the Capitol doors on the east side of the Capitol?” And right across from the Supreme Court which I think is another important significance, because to me, that represents truth and justice, the Supreme Court.

I was standing in the front of there and I texted my daughter back home. I said, “I don’t know what I feel. This feels interesting that God would place me, that I would be able to stand right in the front. What is God doing in my life?” I said, “I don’t know if I feel like going to the Ellipse.” I had the opportunity, of course, but I thought, “Oh, I don’t know if I want to walk all the way over there or not.”

So, I stayed on the east side of the Capitol and walked around and met a few more people. I was there probably an hour and a half. I looked to the left of me, and there was a platform where there were some people who were worshipping God on this microphone. They were praying and singing, as you said. They were pointing to the Capitol and decreeing and declaring things over the Capitol building.

I thought, “Oh, I’m going to walk over there!” I thought that would be a little diversion. So, I walked over there. Before I even got to the platform, before I got to the grassy area where that platform was, all of a sudden, the Spirit of God fell over me. I could sense the presence of God come on me. I couldn’t even stand up, Nancy. I had to sit down, and I started weeping.

I started crying and crying. I realized at that moment, I was crying and interceding for my country. It was an overwhelming experience. I’ve had those kinds of experiences a few times in my life, but not very often. I knew it was about God and our country.

Then I got up, walked over, and watched what was going on. Then, all of a sudden, the boldness of God came over me. I felt like I needed to ask if I could pray on that platform. They were done singing, and I asked them. They said, “Sure, go ahead!”

I got up there, and I felt led to pray the 1620 Mayflower Compact, which is a covenant that we have that our Pilgrim forefathers made in 1620 before they got off that Mayflower ship.

Nancy: That’s right! They made it on the ship, before they even got off.

Rebecca: Before they even got off. They knew that there was a bigger purpose than just themselves, that they were willing to die for. Half the people died anyway, but they knew they were here for a purpose.

I declared on that platform that this country would give glory to God and advance the Christian faith. That’s about all I said. Got off, and then I went right back to where I was before. It was about noon, and that same place was open! Standing right before the barricades stationed at the front door.

I felt like we were standing for God. I’m praying quietly to myself and saying this country will listen to the truth. This is our last bastion of hope, almost, because I felt like I’d been involved in a lot of grassroots things in the end of 2020, with helping develop leadership, and some other areas to create more awareness about what was going on. The plandemic wasn’t right.

I just felt that Trump won the election, that our country would take the right procedures to go through, and nothing was working. But then I said, “We’re here, because this country is about “We the People.” The people who work in those offices were elected by us, and they need to hear our voice.” Not necessarily a specific voice, but just the presence of so many people being there.

Nancy: Yes, just being there. I think that’s really why most people went, just to be there, to be a stand, to say, “We realize this election has been stolen. This is not right. We’re standing for truth, and for righteousness, and for justice.”

Rebecca: Yes, and the principles that our Founding Fathers established in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, all those founding documents. We are still the United States of America. We believe in those principles and values, and we came together.

Nancy: And “We the people,” that’s how it starts. “We the people.” We’re not meant to be governed by tyranny. It’s “We the People.”

Rebecca: We believe that, and I know you do too, because you’re a very strong believer in that. Thomas Jefferson, and I’m not quoting it exactly right, said, “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny. But when the government fears us, that’s freedom.” That’s what we wanted. We want freedom. We don’t want them to be afraid of us. This is who we are.

Fast forward. I think it was about noon when I got back. Then I remember at one point, there was somebody shaking the barricades, the bike racks. The person right beside me said, “Don’t do that! Don’t do that!” They were stopped. They weren’t wanting that. We weren’t.

About two o’clock or so, I don’t remember the time frame. All of a sudden, I don’t know how it happened, but the barriers just came down. The barriers came down, and all of us decided, “Well, let’s go forward!” Then we went across the plaza, walked up the steps. We were standing up there. I had this sense in me.

I remember texting my daughter at home. or calling, and saying, “Jennifer, I believe that if those doors open, God wants me to go through.” She said, “OK, whatever the Holy Spirit says to you, go for it!” I remember somebody blowing a shofar right next to me. We were standing there, looking at the doors. All of a sudden, I saw that they were open, and I started moving in with the rest of them.

I went into that Capitol building, Nancy, and all I could see, and you will understand this, was the faces . . . I have seven grandchildren, and I saw the three youngest ones. At that time, I think they were 8, 6, and 4, or a little bit younger. I could see their faces, and I said, “I will not let this country go down to Marxism or socialism on my watch.”

I’m a very strong prayer warrior, and I know God’s Word says that “Faith without works is dead.” I’m not going to let my faith be dead here. I’m active, and I was in there, and I felt like I was at the right place at the right time. “For such a time as this,” because our country’s in trouble, and I’m going to do my civic duty. Not just the civic duty. God created our nation, and I am doing what’s on God’s heart.

I was in there, and I felt this exuberance inside me, that I was doing what God wanted me to do. I got in there. It was probably about a quarter to three, something around that time. I walked around a little bit within the ropes. Never said anything, didn’t do anything disruptive. No violence or pushing. I didn’t see anything. In fact, I heard people in the background saying, “Don’t do any violence!”

People were peaceful, and still the same as they were outside, not creating any violence. I walked down a hall because I felt we wanted our presence to be even clearer before the congressmen. All of a sudden, a guy in front of me turned around. I said, “Why are we turning around and going?” He said, “We’re just going out because the congressmen have already left the building.”

To me, that was confirmation too, that our purpose was not to create violence, but to make our presence known. Then I walked out and stood outside for a while, and then went back to my daughter’s.

Nancy: So, you wouldn’t have been there very long at all?

Rebecca: Only about ten minutes.

Nancy: Ten minutes.

Rebecca: Going into the People’s House, as I like to call it, which it is. It’s our house. It doesn’t belong to politicians. It belongs to us, and we even pay for it with our taxpayer money.

Nancy: That’s right. So, you just walked in, and then walked out. That was it, you thought.

Rebecca: Right. I thought that was it. I went back to my daughter’s house that night. After a little while, she called me. She said, “Mom, do you know that you may get arrested for something like that?” I said, “What?” Like my grandson says, “What?” I thought, “This can’t happen to me. No, that’s not true.” I didn’t know. I had no idea that there were off limits or anything like that, because I thought we had a right to be there.

Nancy: Yes!

Rebecca: I never thought any more about it. I drove to Ben’s house with the intention to pray and stand up for my rights as a United States citizen who loves my country. Got back home, and then after a week or two, I saw that they were starting to arrest these people! I thought, “That can’t be! That’s not going to happen to me! I’m just a grandmother who loves my country and prays!”

Different people in our group, probably when you’re not a high-profile person, they’re not going to hit you. You don’t know what people are connected to, or whatever. Then on April 19th, I got a knock on my door. I live out in the country on five acres. April 19th, by the way, is Patriot Day. That’s the day that the first shot was heard around the world, just before the Revolutionary War.

It also happened to be my oldest son’s birthday. I was baking a birthday cake, and we were going to have him over. I go to the door, and there’s this man and woman at the door. They said, “We’re with the FBI, and we’re here to investigate your involvement in the January 6 event.” I thought, “What?” The first thing that came out of my mouth was, “I’m sorry, I’m baking a cake. Can you come back a different day because my house is a mess.” [laughter]

They did! They left me a card, and they said, “Just call us back.” I know this hasn’t happened to too many people who are in my situation. I didn’t know what that meant, but they did come back.

Nancy: It was lovely that it wasn’t so violent. We have neighbors, not so far away from us. I did a podcast. Some of you may remember the podcast with Bethany Vaughn, and how her husband was arrested by the FBI, but not with a little knock at the door. No, they came with guns. It was just so scary. It was terrible. They handcuffed him, and took him, and didn’t even tell him why. All the little children were so scared. It was very violent.

Now, they have had a court case, and they’re waiting to know whether he will have to do 10.5 years in jail just for standing outside an abortion clinic. Praise the Lord, it wasn’t so violent for you.

Rebecca: I feel bad sometimes when I share that, because of the horrific things that have happened.

Nancy: Oh, it’s horrific! And it’s amazing that the FBI are now coming against American citizens in such a violent way, who are totally innocent.

Rebecca: Right, totally innocent. It grieves me when I think about them. I feel bad, because this should never be happening. I thank God that it didn’t happen to me, but I really do feel for these other people. It’s horrid. When I see that, it just makes me cry. When I think of that; I’ve watched several documentaries on some of those. That’s not what happened to me, but that’s my story. God has a different one for all of us, I guess.

After the interview, that was the end of April that I actually did the interview with the FBI agents. I had nothing to hide. I’m a pretty open book on everything, because if I do mess up, I quickly repent, and God takes care of it. I didn’t hear anything for about three to four months later.

Then I got a call from the FBI. My agent says, “Well, you’re probably going to be arrested on four misdemeanors. They’re federal misdemeanors, and you’re going to have to appear in Denver in court. They’re going to arrest you. The four misdemeanors, I’ll tell you what they are. The first one is entering and remaining in a restricted building; the second is disorderly and disruptive conduct in a federal building.”

Nancy: Where did they get the disruptive conduct from?

Rebecca: They just think that we all are, because we disrupted what they wanted to do that day, I guess. The third is disorderly and disruptive conduct in the Capitol building. The fourth one is picketing and parading in a restricted building. Those are the four federal misdemeanors that I’m charged with. The penalty for them could be up to a year in prison, and over $200,000 in fines, to the fullest extent.

It seems so bizarre, that just going in there to pray, and to love your country is a crime. It’s very sad when I think about what has happened to our country. But God has a different plan. We’ve allowed ourselves to get into this position, and now we have to stand up and take a stand. That’s what I’m willing to do, because my life doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to Jesus, and whatever He asks in His heart.

Anyway, the agent was in the middle of saying that. After she got done saying what was going to happen to me, I was quiet, and I didn’t say anything. On the other end, she’s like, “Uhhh, aren’t you glad it’s not a felony?” I thought to myself, I didn’t say this out loud, but I said, “I shouldn’t be charged with anything, so I’m not going to be happy for a misdemeanor. You shouldn’t have done that to me at all because I was standing up for righteousness.”

Then nothing happened for about a year and a half. I never heard from her again. I thought, “Oh, they probably forgot about me because I’m not on that hit list anymore.” But then in December 2022, a year and a half later, I got a call from the FBI. They said, “You’re going to have to appear up in Denver and be charged with these four charges. You’ll be arrested and arraigned in front of the judge with these charges. That’s going to happen on December 19, 2022.”

I’m part of a Colorado Springs republican women’s group. We had our Christmas party that night. I was telling them about it. The GOP chair that we had, Vicky is her name, and she’s so patriotic. Loves the Lord, shares the same birthday with me. She said, “We’re not going to let that happen. We’re going to support you.” She ended up getting on a conservative podcast and said, “We need to rally behind this lady and give her our support.”

She got about 30-40 people up there the day I was arrested. I saw my two sons and my littlest grandchildren that I saw in my mind’s eye that day. Mom and Dad were there that day, my son and his wife. They all got up there and they prayed for me. They sang “This Little Light of Mine.” It was a real encouragement to be up there with me.

Nancy: Didn’t you say that they weren’t too happy about all those people coming?

Rebecca: No. Three days before I was supposed to go up there, the Friday before the Monday that I was supposed to go up there, the FBI called me. They said, “We heard there are going to be some protests up at the Capitol when you get up there that day. We need to be a little fluid. We’re going to have an extra FBI agent, so that will be three. You’re going to have to be very careful how we do this, because it could be some . . .” I think they thought, violence, or whatever. But very far from that, just because they wanted to pray for me and stand with me.

Nancy: So, they all did come?

Rebecca: Yeah, there were about 30 that she rallied together to come up there. I have the picture of them. They waited for my arraignment. They had no idea, but it was about four or five hours later. They all stayed around and waited. They got to know each other at the restaurant. They stood for me. It was really nice.

After I had been there and they prayed for me, I got a call from that agent. She said, “I want you to meet us at such-and-such corner.” So, I walked over there. I got to that corner, and nobody was there. Then I got another call from the FBI agent. She said, “We told you that you were supposed to come here alone. If you don’t come alone, we’re going to have to do this another day.”

I said, “Well, I’m not going to come another day and have all these people come up again. Let’s get this over with.” She said, “Meet us alone at this corner.” So, even though they didn’t tear my house down, they were very harassing. Then they told me to go to such-and-such a place, and that’s where they arrested me.

But thinking back on it, it goes back to what I said at the beginning, what Jefferson said. I think they were a little afraid of me, and that’s a good thing, right? If the government is afraid of us, then that’s freedom!

Nancy: So, what happened when they arrested you?

Rebecca: They put me in the back of the car. I looked at the warrant for my arrest. I said, “Can I see the warrant?” They gave it to me, and I noticed the date on there was three months earlier, September 19. To this day, I don’t really know why. I asked them when I was getting booked, and they said, “Extenuating circumstances,” or something like that.

I think they wanted to do it. I don’t celebrate all the Christmas holidays much anymore, but they thought it was four days before Christmas, so they wanted to make it as trying to me as possible. They got me, booked me, put me in shackles on my wrist and my waist. Then they put me in a prison cell for about three hours. There’s a story of me being in the prison cell. I don’t know if we have time to say that today.

Nancy: Maybe we can tell that story, and then I think we’ve got more to share. We’ll have to do another podcast together, OK? You tell that one, and then we’ll close and do another one! What we’ll do, ladies, I’ve only got Rebecca here today, so we’ll do another one. It will be posted to you the following week.

But what we want you to know this week is that you can be praying for Rebecca, because she will be traveling on to Washington DC. Her court case is on Monday, March 25. Please be praying for her, that the Lord will be with her in a wonderful way. But anyway, tell that little story.

Rebecca: OK. Also, I have a website, You can go there and read more about me, what I’m up to, and also put your email there if you want to get more updates. There’s also a donation tab, because expenses for my attorneys are quite high. Whatever you choose to do is fine. But I’ve got to tell you this story.

This is the most extraordinary story. I got in that prison cell. They locked me up. After an hour-and-a-half, I wasn’t troubled at all, I knew I was there on assignment by God. I sit down on that bench, and I’m sitting there for a little while. Then, all of a sudden, a US Marshall comes in. He says, “We’re going to have to shackle your ankles.” He brought me out and put the shackles between my ankles.

Nancy: Why would they have to do that? Did they think you were going to run or something??

Rebecca: I don’t know. It’s just the optics, maybe, Nancy. The optics were good if you’re in shackles. But they didn’t know that they weren’t doing that, because what happened to me was so amazing. I sat down there, sat on the bench, looked down at that chain between my ankles. A 12–15-inch chain, and all of a sudden it hit me.

Isaiah 53:5 says: “He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement for our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” All I could feel was the love of God, that He would sacrifice His love for me by sending His Son. That Jesus would go through death on the cross, and all that, worse than I could even imagine in a prison. He did that for me, and I just wept and wept. I felt so much the love of God there. It brings tears to my eyes when I think of how much God loves us, that He would sacrifice Himself.

This was the least I could ever do for Him. I felt this overwhelming sense of His love that I’ll never, ever forget. I tell people, if you can go to prison for just that, you should go to prison, because it is important to sense God’s love. Then I looked up, and all I heard was God saying, “Rebecca, you were chosen. You were chosen for this assignment.” It was just a reiteration to me that I’m on assignment for God, because we need to wake up our country, and bring it back to God. God loves us, and He loves our nation.

Nancy: Amen. Thank you, Rebecca. There’s more to share, so we’re going to do another session.

Rebecca: OK!

Nancy: That would be so great. But as you know, here on the Hilltop, we have two prayer meetings a week where we pray for the needs of the nation and for the world. We have Monday night here at our home and Wednesday night at Serene and Sam’s home.

We have prayed so much for these men who are in prison for January 6. Many of them, like you, just walked in and walked out. We remember talking to one guy at the end of the day. He was at the same hotel we were at. He said, “I walked into that place today.” He was telling us, he just walked in and walked around, and walked out, because the door had been opened. As we have seen on footage, they were welcoming, beckoning people in.

Most probably he’s one who is in prison. But many have been there now for three years. Innocently, and they have been treated like terrorists. They’ve been in solitary confinement. They’re not even treated like normal prisoners. They’re like terrorists. And these are our own people who were just there standing up for a stolen election.

It’s hard to believe, and yet many are still carrying on in this nation, and not really aware of what is happening. Here we are, now, it’s all these years, and they’re still trying to get more people in prison! It’s unbelievable. So, keep praying for these men who have been really, oh, they’ve been suffering! And pray for Rebecca, as she prepares to go to court on the 25th. Let’s pray now, shall we?

“Dear Father, we come to You in the Name of Jesus. Lord, I pray, and ask that all these lovely people listening, that you will join with me. Lord, we pray that You will go with Rebecca, that You will fill her with Your Spirit. We pray that You will pour Your anointing upon her, and that she will glow and shine with Your Light, with Your presence, with Your glory.

“I pray, Lord, that as she goes into that courtroom, that Lord, all those who are present, and the judge, will see Your glory all over her, Lord God. Lord, if she speaks, I pray that You will give her Your Words to speak, and I pray that You will be glorified.

“Lord, we pray for favor for Rebecca. We pray that she will be released from these ridiculous charges. But above all, Lord, we pray that You will be glorified, and Your glory will be revealed in that courtroom. We ask it in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Transcribed by Darlene Norris

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UPDATE 3/25/24:

Please be praying or Rebecca as her trial begins today and could continue until Thursday.


My husband, Colin and I were very blessed to attend the STOP THE STEAL Rally on January 6. After the rally we walked up Pennsylvania Avenue with thousands of others to the Capitol. We must have spent two or three hours around the capital, mingling with thousands of others. The amazing thing was that we never saw any violence at all. Those who entered the capital must have done so from the other side as we never noticed anything untoward.

At one time we saw about 40 – 50 police walk out of the capital, two abreast. They walked right in front of us. But not one of them said one word to us. They never told anyone to leave. They never said, “There has been an insurrection. All people must leave.” They never opened their mouths.

In the late afternoon, we thought we had better walk back to our hotel after a wonderful and joyful time. Then we began to get phone calls from our grandchildren. “Nana and Granddad, are you alright? They are telling us on TV that terrible things have been happening!” We had no idea what they were talking about and yet we were right there with thousands of others and hadn’t seen a thing!

~ Nancy


Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ