BackboneMother, you are the backbone of the nation! You are the greatest threat to those who want to turn this nation away from God’s ways. As you pour out your life to nurture, train, and educate your children, you determine the course of this nation and even the world.
As the backbone of this nation . . .
B You are a BUILDER, building a godly marriage and family and consequently helping to build a strong nation.
A You are ANOINTED by God to mother and nurture your children. This is more powerful than any career you can have outside the home.
C You are CALLED by God to this great career. If you turn away from it, you miss your highest calling.
K You are the KEEPER of your home. You are keeping your marriage and family strong. Homekeepers are definitely the backbone of the nation. As mothers build strong homes the nation becomes stronger. When mothers vacate their homes, the nation becomes weaker.
B You are the BRIGHTNESS and glory of your home. A home is only truly a home when mother is there, making it a beautiful place with her presence.
O You are an OVERCOMER. Building a godly home, family, and heritage is no easy task. It takes strength and courage. It takes fortitude and endurance. But God is with you moment by moment, giving you the power to overcome in His name.
N You are a NATION CHANGER. When mothers get back to the home, embrace the children God wants them to have, and train them to be godly sons and daughter, they change the course of the nation.
E You are an EDUCATOR. There is no one more powerful than you, mother, to influence your children for God, to reveal to them the awesome wonder of your God and His universe. As you seek after truth, you teach your children the truth and you become an educator not only to your children but to the rest of society.
Together, mothers, we are the BACKBONE of the nation. Let’s not give up influencing this nation and generations to come.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ