UnseenGuestA mother shared with me recently how she understands biblical truths far better when she does something tangible. It helps the truth to become part of her life.

We talked about how God talked and fellowshipped with Adam and Eve at the end of each day, “the cool of the day” (Genesis 3:8). A little breeze is beginning to blow. It’s the time of the day when we relax after the day’s work--God had already established the principle of work with them (Genesis 2:15). It’s the time of the day when we eat and fellowship together.

God still wants to come to our families at this time of the day, the time when daddy comes home from work and everyone gathers together to eat and communicate with one another. The time when God wants to specifically visit with us and be present at our table. Sadly, God waits in vain in many homes. He comes at the “cool of the day,” but no one is home. There is not even the smell of food cooking? Where is everyone? May be still battling the traffic as they come home from another extracurricular activity.

And yet God is waiting at home to be present with us at our table!

My friend decided to purchase a special plate to put at the table as they set the table for the evening meal each day. She said that this will remind her that Christ is with them as they sit together.

Christ is the head of our home,
The unseen guest at every meal,
The silent listener to every conversation.

Do you remember these lines? They graced our wall when I was child growing up and impacted my life.

Welcome Jesus to your table.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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