StressFreeGod doesn’t intend us to live in a state of stress with our stomach tied up in knots. He wants us to live in rest (Isaiah 32:18; Jeremiah 6:16; Matthew 11:28-30; and Hebrews 4:9). Therefore, if we want to reduce stress in our overwhelming, busy, hectic lives we need loads of oxytocin. This hormone is called the “life hormone,” the “love hormone,” the “bonding hormone,” and best of all, the “stress releasing hormone.” It reduces blood pressure, cortisol levels, and anxiety.

What are some of the ways oxytocin is released? As I researched I was amazed to find that it most mostly comes back to the home.

1. Live in a family, especially a loving, happy family. God, who created the family understands that this is the most stress-free way to live. God wants everyone to live in a family. He wants the solitary to live in families (Psalm 68:6).

2. Don’t hold back from love-making. Oxytocin is released big time during love-making, especially during orgasm for both men and women. That’s why it is known as the “life hormone” as often life can be conceived during lovemaking which results in the birth of a baby. Oxytocin is also released during labor and giving birth. This amazing hormone is necessary for the continuing of the human race.

3. Touch, cuddle, and hug. The more you interact physically by loving and touching your husband and children, the more you release oxytocin. And the more you release it, the more you’ll want to do it. Be a touchy and cuddly mother. Be a touchy and cuddly wife. That’s why the older women are commanded to teach the younger women to “love their husbands” (Titus 2:4). The word is “philandros” and means “to be affectionate and cuddly.”

4. Breastfeed your baby. This is a big one. Along with prolactin, you release oxytocin when nursing your baby. Every time you put your baby to the breast you release these hormones and the more motherly you become. Oxytocin causes you to be more motherly, more nurturing, more cuddly, and softer to everyone around you. That’s why it’s called the “love hormone” and the “bonding hormone.”

And, you’ll be LESS STRESSED OUT! Therefore nurse your baby as much as he wants you. Don’t try to wean your baby too soon. Let your baby nurse until he is ready to wean. The more babies you have the blessing of nursing at your breast, the more you are blessed by this God-given hormone. In fact, the blessing of this hormone in a nursing mother changes her brain forever. Check out this link:…/how-breastfeeding-changes-y……/the-amazing-interplay-be…/…

5. Eat together as a family. Sit around the table for your meals. We didn’t really have to find this out through scientific studies because God showed His plan way back in Psalm 128 where He reveals the picture of a relaxed, happy family, the family He wants to pour out His blessings upon. What is the family doing? They are all sitting around the table together--father, mother, and all the children.

6. Sing for joy. Listen to music. We usually sing when we are happy, don’t we? Often we sing less as we get older as we take on more pressures and burdens of life. I know I don’t sing as spontaneously as I used to. At least we sing together as a family every morning and evening at our Family Devotions. I’m so glad we take these times to sing, I maybe I would forget for the rest of the day.

Once again, this is God-directed for our blessing and rest. In the Bible days the Levite singers and musicians sang and worshipped the Lord together as the priests daily sacrificed the lamb every morning and evening. It was part of their ritual. But God knew how much singing is important to the day and the releasing of oxytocin.

7. Take a walk each day. Do moderate exercise. I have to be reminded of this as I get so busy.

8. Be generous and give gifts to others, not just for birthdays etc, but to show your love. Give to charity, needy people, and ministries.

Be blessed today dear mother. Live an oxytocin releasing lifestyle.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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