By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 15 December 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


There are two ways believers can get into the eternal kingdom. We will either have an ABUNDANT entrance, or we'll just make it by the skin of our teeth! We feel the tragic loss when someone loses everything they own because of a fire, but we are grateful they come forth alive.

1 Corinthians 3:15 says: "If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire." This is the picture God gives of those who put all their thought, time, and energy into this transient "passing away" world which God says is just like a vapor. They take nothing of it into eternity, although they just get in the door themselves.

1 Peter 1:3-11 tells us about another group of believers who are ushered into eternity with an ABUNDANT entrance. These are the ones who are not content to keep in step with the world. They hate evil and seek after righteousness. They are diligently INCREASING in faith, godliness, virtue, the knowledge of God, self control, patience, kindness, and love.

How do you want to get in? How do you want your children to get in? I know my answer.

It takes effort. We have to get out of the groove of the carnal, in-step-with-the-world, compromising, mediocre, half-hearted, middle-of-the road Christianity. But be encouraged, dear mother. Even though you often feel frustrated and overwhelmed, let me tell you that as you mother your precious children today, you are doing an eternal work. You are building for eternity. Other careers will be left behind, but you are mothering eternal souls that will live forever. As you lead your precious children to Jesus, you will take them into the eternal kingdom with you forever. Mothering hours are never wasted.

Seek with all your heart to make sure that you, and each one of your children, have an abundant entrance where "God will open wide to you the gates of the eternal kingdom."

Blessings from Nancy Campbell