FamilyTogethernessWe are constantly making decisions for our families. Here’s a secret. In every decision you make use this question as a deciding a point:
Will this fragment our family or will it strengthen our family and keep us together?
If it will fragment the family, forget it.
If it will strengthen the family, go for it!
Here is a poem to encourage you today:
T Traveling through life is no good on your own,
To do it with family is the best way known.
O Old and young, the toddlers and teens,
All add to the mix with their family genes.
G Gathering together as much as we can,
Putting aside time to be with the clan.
E Enjoying suppers, parties and feasts
Where we all bring food and special treats.
T Talking and laughing, shouting, debating,
It’s a great lot of fun, certainly not sedating!
H Helping one another in times of need,
Going the extra mile to do the deed.
E Embracing the children, the more the merrier,
Enlarging our homes to all fit in one area.
R Remembering each other, even those far away,
Cementing the bonds by praying each day.
N Never holding a grudge--for hurt or lies,
Forgiving freely when offences arise.
E Expect perfection? We all fall on our face,
We’re sinners redeemed, needing God’s grace.
S Strengthened by unity--we must guard it well,
And watch “little foxes” don’t come in to dwell.
S Serving each other with a humble mind
This is the way as a family we’ll bind.
Love from Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ