DareWeStandMan was made for sacred purposes; trees were not. Of all the myriad of creatures that God created it was only man that was given the sacred and priceless privilege to bear the likeness and image of God. This should never be underestimated. After creating the vegetation and trees, God said that “it was good” but it was the family tree that God blessed and gave the divine commandment to “Be fruitful and multiply.” This commandment has never been revoked and is as important today as in the beginning. Time has not changed this generational mandate.
It would be understandable, if after the fall in the Garden of Eden, God had decided to give up His original mandate for mankind to “be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth with His likeness and image.” But this was not the case.
In Genesis 9:1-7 God repeats His first mandate, not once, but TWICE! Oh, the mercy and grace of God toward His rebellious and sinful creation. Man still remains the only privileged creation to bear His likeness and image (God’s character and His ways of justice truth, love, joy, peace, and holiness and so on). The trees of the woods reveal His creative glory, but they cannot reveal His nature and character.
In verse six of this same passage God says: “Whoso sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood by shed.” Why would God say such a thing? He gives the answer in the same verse. “For in the image of God made he man.”
It is a serious crime to tamper with man because the divine purpose of man’s creation is to show forth the image of God. And yet, today, we frivolously contracept and abort the image of God in the earth. Every child, given the right opportunity, can be born again, and filled with the Holy Spirit, and in some way reveal to the world something of the likeness and image of God.
Dare we stand in God’s way?
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell