By Colin Campbell on Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him" (Psalm 37:7).

Psalm 37 is a great chapter to read and pray over when you are going through the trial of patience. Impatience has a number of evil kin and close cousins. Here are three of them:


Psalm 37:1, 7, 8: "Fret not thyself because of evildoers." Impatience causes us to fret which gives us anxiety, stress, and panic attacks.


Psalm 37:1 "Neither be envious against the works of iniquity." Impatience causes us to envy the temporary success and prosperity of others.


Psalm 37:8: "Cease from anger, and forsake wrath." Wrath is more than anger because you can have anger that is cold, e.g. "the cold war." Wrath is hot anger. It is fierce heat.

The above are all related to impatience. I believe it is a devilish thing when people allow themselves to get angry at God for various reasons. Jonah got angry at God and it cost him a rough ride in the belly of the big fish. He still did not learn the lesson of God's patience with Nineveh even while he sat under the booth (Jonah 4:1-6). God is often far more patient with the wicked than His people are.

Twice in Psalm 37 we are exhorted to "wait patiently" for God to intervene.
Psalm 37:7: "Rest in the Lord, and WAIT PATIENTLY for him."
Psalm 37:34: "WAIT on the Lord, and keep his way."

Psalm 37 describes patience as "resting in the Lord" and "waiting" for God to move.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell