lwgrSpiritual legalism is truth without grace and mercy. John 1:17 says, "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." Rules and regulations coupled with severe consequences of breaking them is a bondage to mankind, especially when they discover that try as they may in their own strength, they have now power to keep them.

Truth is exactly what it is, "the truth," We all agree how important it is for the truths of biblical values to be taught and practiced in this valueless period in which we live. However, without the grace and mercy of God poured out upon us we remain helpless.

The good news is that Jesus Christ is full of grace and truth, coupled with mercy for all who call upon Him. The Pharisees and Sadducees were legalistic in that they preached the truth with hardness which they could not keep in its entirety. The crowds loved Jesus' preaching for not only did gracious words pour from His lips (Luke 4:22) but He also showed great mercy to the women taken in the very act of adultery.

Jesus was very strong with His denunciation on the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees. Read Matthew 23:13-16.

Men, we must always advocate the values of standards of the Scriptures to our families, coupled with lots of love and grace. They should see us as joyful and loving advocates of God's truth, not stern, harsh, and unloving. This will turn them away.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell