GenServings“Truth falls in the street and equity cannot enter” (Isaiah 59:14).

The reason why truth falls in the streets is because it falls in the home first! Christian homes are meant to be cradles of truth,
fountains of truth,
gateways of truth,
bastions of truth,
and seminaries of truth.

Bibles should not be left on shelves gathering dust. When a child leaves a Christian home to begin their life in the world, they should not need to go to a Bible college. They should have received their Bible college training each day of their life.

All meal tables in ALL Christian homes should be dedicated to feasting on truth as well as nourishing physical bodies. It is of absolute necessity that fathers become truth lovers and truth embracers or our civilization is doomed.

Many of our streets have become very dangerous places in which to walk. Our public schools have become dangerous places to send our children. Why? Because the truth has been thrown out! Public education has not produced equity in our streets.

We fathers must take our stand for home education with GENEROUS SERVINGS OF TRUTH.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell