By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


The Holy Bible, from beginning to end, does not in any way encourage us to be tolerant of sexual perversions in whatever manner they express themselves in our own lives, families, or churches. As far as the world is concerned we are to be a righteous influence.

Our nation, including many of our churches, struggles with the "politically correct" doctrine of "tolerance." The colleges of our nation fill the minds of our youth with this doctrine, which on the surface, appeals to the human mind. However, tolerance is dangerous when taken to extreme. Unfortunately, what we face today in America is extreme tolerance.

When we can no longer call extreme Islam terrorism for what it really is in case we offend moderate Islamics, we are in servitude. We are no longer free. When we can no longer speak out against terrorists who burn people alive in cages, behead ever increasing numbers of Christians, sell off young teenage girls into slavery, as well as blowup crowds of innocent people, tolerance has become our enemy.

When we can no longer denounce the slaughter of millions of innocent babies in their mother's wombs for the sake of tolerance it has become our enemy.

When, in the fear of God, we cannot denounce homosexuality for fear of offending someone who may be involved in this sin, then tolerance has become our enemy. The homosexual crowd think nothing of offending the consciences of Christians who believe that from the beginning God ordained the holy institution of marriage to be between a man and a woman. In this they are hypocrites.

To be continued.

Colin Campbell