We continue to discuss Psalm 144. Men, along with our wives, we need to repent for subjecting our sons and daughters to the liberal and socialist mindset that is ever-increasingly being taught in our state schools and colleges.

The Holy Bible, which is the only foundation of truth upon which a true Christian stands, declares that God created all things in a six day period. Yet, state education text books teach evolution as an undeniable fact. All things came into existence over a period of millions of years without any Creator to order it so.

Many years ago, this teaching had a very negative effect upon me as a young child in a state school. I was raised in a Christian home, where my mother taught my Sunday school class and my grandfather was the teaching elder at the family church. I was caught in the midst of conflicting views. Only God Himself knows the incredible turmoil my soul endured as I struggled to reconcile the atheistic teaching of Darwinism with the divinely inspired Word of God. One was a falsehood. Which one?

The bottom line is that it is plainly ludicrous and utterly foolish to subject our children to the teaching of atheistic, humanistic and socialistic textbooks. The textbooks on certain subjects are fast becoming more and more opposed to the Word of God. Homosexual teachers cannot be refused to teach our children. What are we doing? How crazy can we get?

The truth is that even although there may be many dedicated Christian teachers in the state schools, this does not guarantee that our children will not be subjected to classes that will introduce them to a humanistic viewpoint that opposes the Bible.

By the grace of God, there are those who seem to get through it almost unscathed, but have they really avoided the tarnishing of their souls? The state education introduces our daughters to feminism and careerism. Our sons are taught that is wrong to be competitive in sports and that tolerance and equality are the new norm. I am told that in some cases, over-achievers have their results marked down in order to equal the class average. God does not intend our sons to be feminized. Guns are part of a boy’s life growing up. Come on!

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell
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Psalm 144:11-12 says, “Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood… that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.”

David prayed that the Lord would deliver him from the strange brethren who were sowing seeds of false doctrine. Men, this should also be our prayer. The enemy of our souls is forever seeking ways to sow seeds of falsehood into our families. He wants to distort the image of God which God wants to reveal in us.

He wants our daughters to be like the polished cornerstones of a palace. Gem stones are not attractive until they are cut and polished. The Lord wants to use us men, along with our wives, to work with Him in the cutting and polishing. As fathers, we must keep close to God, for only God is the Master Diamond Cutter, and only God can guide our hands to polish our daughters to be the cornerstones of our society and culture.

The cornerstone was always the most important stone in the foundation of the ancient buildings. In this Scripture, the Holy Spirit highlights the importance of daughters in God’s plan. How sad it would be if we should allow some false teaching to distort the cutting and polishing. The building becomes less than a palace because of our ignorance, haphazardness or lack of patience and understanding.

Men, our daughters need us fathers almost as much as their mothers to see this beautiful palace come into being.

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell
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Psalm 144:2 says “That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth.”

What a huge blessing it is to a family to have sons “grown up in their youth.” This blessing also extends to the nation. This is a picture of sons who are mature and acting as adults in their behavior and character, even though they are still in their youth. The reason for this is that these sons have been brought up and nourished in a loving, godly environment in the home, as well as the church. These sons have also been protected from the influence of bad company. They have not been indoctrinated by the education of false teaching such as evolution, humanism, social justice and the strong influence of the gay agenda.

What a joy it is for me to be surrounded with many godly grandchildren who are homeschooled. Even though some of them are still quite young, because they are not daily surrounded with foolish ungodly peer pressure, the generational age gap is not a problem. They are as willing to talk to an adult as they are to their siblings. Isn’t it great when your grandchildren are your close friends?

I can always tell who are homeschooled and who are state schooled in the meetings I conduct with fathers and sons. In many cases, the most goofy, disruptive, disrespectful sons are those who are familiar with this kind of behavior in their state school classrooms.

Let’s not follow the crowd to the state school. What we need are pure, bright-eyed, respectful, mature, godly and courteous children that are “grown up in their youth.”

We’ll talk about the daughters tomorrow.

Be encouraged. Colin
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Psalm 144:11-12 says, "Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood: that our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be a s corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.”

David mentions this same prayer twice in this chapter. In fact, the whole chapter, is a prayer for deliverance from subtle enemies who are using their mouths to subvert the truth. Through falsehood, they were, and still are, seeking to destroy the godly values of the nation. This psalm informs us that this false teaching also destroys the nation’s economy. Without a doubt, we need to make this psalm our prayer for our nation right now.

At this very moment the youthful sons and daughters of this nation are being dumbed down, perverted and weakened through a socialistic, humanistic educational system that has thrown out the Bible and prayer. At the same time, public education flirts with the teachings of other religions, including progressive, socialist communism, which in itself is a religion that seeks to replace God with man.

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to two very enlightening DVD documentaries, Indoctrination and Agenda. They are a “must” to inform you of what is happening to our nation and our state school system. I would encourage you to order them both, watch them, and gather in others to watch them with you.

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell

Here are the links for you to purchase the DVDs:

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We read in Genesis 1:26-27, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Even after the fall in the Garden of Eden God never gave up His agenda that man was created to be in His likeness and image (Genesis 9:6).

In Hebrews 1:3, we are told that Jesus Christ is the brightness of the Father’s glory and the express image of His person. Jesus Christ is our true role model. He is the No. 1 pattern man. God, in His infinite grace and mercy has not left us to flounder around searching for the right role model to follow.

Men, we have no excuse for bearing the image of this humanistic world. We also have no excuse for bearing the image of the old self nature. We need to sit down and ask ourselves afresh, “What is my most driving ambition in this life as a Christian man?” If it is not to bear the likeness and image of God’s pattern Son, Jesus Christ, then we have lost our way.

How important to know that our sins are forgiven and that we have been delivered from hell. Yet, from God’s perspective, it is even more important that we should ever increasingly bear the image of Christ, His beloved Son. This simple truth is at the very heart of our Christian manhood.

Earnestly pray that you will be the most Christ-like man your wife and family will ever have the privilege to know, except for Christ himself. By leading your family in devotions each day you can invite your family to join with you in pursuing Christ likeness.

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell
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