prayinggranmasThe heat was almost unbearable—the hottest summer on record, we were told. Our menu for Christmas was cold cuts and raw food. New Year’s Eve was no different; the heat was still on. The coolest place I could find was in front of the computer with a fan going full bore--paper flying everywhere! I opened my e-mails noting there were a couple from Nancy that looked quite interesting, but I was too exhausted by the heat to concentrate on reading them or even staying up for the New Year. In the morning, I vowed!

I had no idea how these two e-mails, about the power of praying grandmothers, would revolutionise me. I wonder now how I slept so deeply, while my world was about to change dramatically from the information only a few feet away! The information itself did not bring such change. Initially I was inspired to pray for my grandchildren in a fresh way but it was the actual responding to the call to pray that wrought such a change in my life.

Yes, the word is out that it is time for anointing upon praying grandmothers. “Bloodhounds” we have been labeled, on the scent and pursuing our grandchildren’s needs! These third and fourth generations are under more enemy attack than any other generation. Preventing life before it has begun has become an enemy strategy of monumental proportions. Even when life manages to form in the womb, it is often destroyed. In Jesus’ and Moses’ day the life threat was regional and for a short time span. Today, this threat is global and generational. The very lives and minds of our grandchildren are critical and desperately need our bloodhound anointed prayers.


The call to arms in the spiritual realm is urgent! Grandmas and great-grandmas, our children and grandchildren are desperate for our prayer support. A bloodhound stays on the trail and does not give up. The victim will seek a place of refuge, perhaps up a tree. Can you see your precious children and grandchildren up the tree into a safe place? You keep them there by your daily prayers, until they cry out to God to save them, or deliver them from whatever danger they are facing!

There is much work to do. We may no longer be able to keep up with the younger generation physically, but we are in a spiritual war. Even in times of natural wars there is always a home guard, made up primarily of an older generation. We do not fight with carnal weapons, but with weapons that are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. Impossible looking situations can be destroyed through our prayers. Let us run with this anointing.

It has been suggested that if you don’t have a praying, bloodhound type Grandma who doesn’t back off, then why not adopt one! New Year’s Day evening, Bill and I were asked to go to a friend’s home. The husband was really struggling with raising his daughters and at his wit's end. The lament was that their daughters were being influenced by the world, even though they were home-schooled. Of course, I opened my big mouth and said, “What you need is a praying bloodhound type grandma!”

“Thanks, Val. You are our chosen adopted grandmother!” I walked straight into that one! I accepted the challenge and since then this father has come into a renewed strength. I’m witnessing him climb back into his rightful position of authority and strength both physically and spiritually. If we are going to pray for our grandchildren effectively, it is imperative that we pray for the parents also. Parents are the greatest influence in their lives and are desperate for our support.


The idea is not to wear out a few grandmas but to mobilize as many as possible. We don’t want a few, we need an ARMY! A formidable foe putting the enemy to flight! We can fight from our armchairs, our beds or kitchen tables!

Psalm 92:12-15 says, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree…those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing…” The RSV says that we will ever be “full of sap”. Did you hear that, grandma? Full of sap! Confess it. Claim it. Another word used in the RSV is verdure, meaning ‘greenness, abundance, and luxuriance.’ We can be luxuriant in love, forgiveness, grace, contentment and prayer! Sounds like we are rolling in it, doesn’t it? I’m glad I’m a grandma! We may be declining in years but God says we are still growing in spiritual powers.

Psalm 71:18 says, “Now also when I am old and gray-headed, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare your strength to this generation, your power to everyone who is to come.” Make this your prayer and purpose. God has taken years to prepare us for this hour. Will you rise up with me to help fight this battle while there is still time? I long to see a revival in our nations and to see God’s vision for families restored. Prayer is the key! If you are an older woman with no grandchildren to pray for, may I encourage you to adopt some? Or, if you need a praying grandmother and don’t have one, ask God to give you one that you can adopt.


This bloodhound mentality started on the 1st January 2006. As I write, it is the 31st January. One month has passed and you may wonder if there have been any answers to my prayers. When I called my eldest daughter, Natalie, yesterday, she was in tears. I wondered what could be wrong, but no, she had been in her room praying. The presence of God was so strong upon her that tears of joy were flowing freely. “Mum”, she said, “I cannot stop sharing with others about the importance of trusting God and keeping our hearts pure before Him.” I am first hand, witnessing the power and anointing being released. As her mother you can imagine my delight and great joy, for she is the mother of seven of my grandchildren for whom I am praying!

GRANDMA VAL STARES, Full of SAP--Super, Anointed Prayer!
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
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In the past few years my perspective of mothering has changed. I have older children and little ones. When my older children were young, I mistakenly assumed they'd all grow up to have the same values as I do and that they'd be solid in their walks with the Lord because of the training they'd receive. However, they don't always choose that direction. I no longer make any assumptions.

As a result, I've spent a LOT more time in prayer with these last few little boys, as well as my other children. When I hold little Eli (which is often as I can) and am alone with him, nursing or rocking him to sleep, he gets a lot of prayer covering. I often pray that his little hands would be only used for the Lord and never used by the devil. I pray that his feet will only take him where the Lord leads him.

There are so many things that we should pray for them. Along with praying over their hands and feet, how about their mouths, that they will only speak what is wholesome and encouraging. We should pray their eyes would always be the light of the body and that their minds will be stayed upon things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. We should pray that they would present their bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice and be worthy of being His temple. And don't forget their hearts, that they would always remain pure.

I've never had such a desire to pray for my children as I do now.  I thank God for the desire He has placed in my heart and for the continued trust He puts in me to be a mother all over again. Children truly are a gift from the Lord and I feel so blessed.

Oakdale, Illinois, USA
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Bobby and Robin are the blessed parents of 12 children.


Praying for my Husband

 Praying Specifically

Tom and I had been married four years when I went to a meeting at a local church. I was disappointed when I arrived that the person I wanted to hear was not speaking. Instead, it was his wife who shared that she had not been praying for her husband the way she should. It was an eye opener to me. I realized I was guilty too.

When I got home, I told Tom about my lack of prayer for him and asked his forgiveness. I realized I did not know how to pray for my husband. I asked the Lord to teach me. The Holy Spirit immediately showed me to go to my concordance in the back of my Bible and look up the word "integrity". I wrote all the integrity verses on a legal pad ready to pray them.

I could hardly wait for Tom to leave for work. As soon as he left, I would pick up my legal pad and start praying for him. Here’s an example from Psalm 25:21, “Lord, may integrity and uprightness protect Tom, because his hope is in you.” I prayed the integrity Scriptures for one week. After that, the Lord directed me to a different topic to pray for my husband.

As long as I am open to the Lord's leading and guidance He continues to show me how to pray for my husband.

Franklin, Tennessee, USA
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The Greatest Encourgement

I believe the greatest way we can encourage our husband is through our prayers. Here are some questions I ask myself. I found these questions on the web,, but have added my own comments.

1.    Do I earnestly pray for my husband's spiritual growth and wisdom as he leads our family?

I pray that my husband seeks to know God and His plans for his life and I pray Paul’s prayer in Colossians.1:9-12 for him. I pray earnestly for my husband as he leads our family. I pray that he will actively seek God in all that he does. I pray for the Lord's wisdom as he answers our children's questions about spiritual matters.

2.    Do I pray for my husband in his work, his leadership responsibilities, and his relationships with others?

As my husband interacts with the people he contacts at work, I pray he will lead a godly and honest life, one that reflects the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that those around him might see the difference that God has made in his life. How often we forget that our husband's mission field is his workplace.

3.    Do I pray for a reverent heart and submissive response to my husband?

I have learned that neglecting my spiritual walk to do other seemingly important tasks benefits no one, especially me. I serve the Lord through serving my husband. I am learning God's will as I show reverence to my husband. I cannot be the wife that God has created me to be if my heart is not right with Him. (Psalm 139:23-24)

4.    Do I pray for my husband’s relationship with each of our children?

In Malachi 4:6 it says that a father's heart is to be turned towards his children. I pray daily that my husband’s heart is turned toward his children. I pray that he will see the individual needs of each child and that God will guide him as he interacts with them. A great book is Keeping Our Children's Hearts by Steve and Teri Maxwell.

5.    Do I pray for my husband when I know he is going through times of testing and hardship?

We are to “bear one another's burdens.” (Galatians. 6:2) We need to be mindful of what our husband's are going through. I make it a point to find out what is bothering my husband so I can pray specifically. I will ask him, “How can I pray for you today?”

6.    Do I pray for my husband to be strong in his particular areas of weakness and temptation?

I know that many temptations face my husband daily. I usually try to pray a pray of protection over him as he walks out the door each morning. It is getting harder for a man to stand strong in this world when everything relates to a humanistic value system with no fear of the Lord. But God will deliver the godly out of temptation. (2 Peter. 2:9)

7.    When my husband is in sin or when I believe he is making an unwise decision, do I humbly entreat him and then earnestly, patiently, and quietly pray for God to lead him?

I sometimes lash out at my husband if he is wrong or making a bad decision. How many times have I said something only to regret it two seconds later? Why don’t I remember God’s word in Exodus 14:14, “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”? I know that my husband's heart is in God's hand and He will turn it as He wills. (Proverbs 21:1) As I pray faithfully for God to change my husband’s heart, I try not to say “I told you so” when God does change his heart. I must give the glory to the Lord for He deserves the praise.

8.    Do I pray for my husband when he has offended me, or do I criticize and harbor bitterness?

Forgiveness is hard. How God forgave us I will never understand. Only by His grace. I pray that God will hold my tongue in situations like this. In Proverbs 21:9 and 19 it says that it is better to be anywhere else than with a brawling angry women. I am a miserable woman to live with when I have been (or think I have been) wronged. It is important to be open with your husband about your feelings. I am usually surprised my husband didn't even know he had hurt me. I pray for the Lord to help me forgive, move on and forget. What if God kept on recalling our past sins all of the time? Let us not do this to our beloved husbands.

My favorite verse to help me to remember to pray for my husband is 1 Samuel 12:23a, “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you.”

I sin against the Lord by not praying for my husband.

Nassau, Bahamas
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How to Fight Like a Woman!

If I live, I will fight, wherever I must, as long as I must,
Until the enemy is defeated and the national stain washed clean.
Charles de Gaulle, 1954.

Kings, men, boys… But every now and then a woman is born who loves to fight!  Stilling the cry to battle in her veins is like trying to reign in a warrior horse! May I venture to say, YOU are that woman! You were not meant to be reined in. You were born for battle! And the action word for the battle is “Cry.”

Over and over again the Psalms talk about crying to the Lord. But wait! Haven’t we been told all our lives to stop crying? “Turn off your waterworks!” or “Stop your ballyhooing or I’ll give your something to cry about!” Today, I free you from these subliminal Gestapo voices! Go ahead. Cry your heart out and don’t stop your ballyhooing!  But don’t dare cry for yourself!  No, not a drop!

Tears represent the most powerful weapon on earth and this weapon was given to you--a woman!  We read about it in Jeremiah 9:17-21, “Thus saith the Lord of hosts: Consider and call for the mourning women, that they may come… Let them make haste and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run with tears, and our eyelids gush with water… hear the word of the Lord, O women, and let your ear receive the word of His mouth; teach your daughters wailing, and everyone her neighbor a lamentation.”

We must learn to use this weapon correctly because we are in a war--a war that rages against normalcy, making mockery of God, and against tyranny and injustice. We battle for our homes and our children. Who said that we were not meant to fight? The words of the ancient prophet cry to us, “Man the Fort! Watch the Road! Strengthen your back! Summon all your strength!”  (Nahum 2:1) These words apply to us too. The fort is our home and the road shows us what’s heading our way.

Studies reveal that women cry five to fifty or more times a month, men maybe only once a month, if that.  Some men never cry. Animals whimper and moan, but cannot cry! Tears are unique to women and tears move God to battle! We were born to cry, so we were born to fight! The choice is: will we cry like babies or cry like warriors?

How to Cry Like a Warrior 101:

Step 1. Let your face shine while warring!

Warriors cry tears with purpose. Their hearts are set on the knowledge that God Himself sees their tears and acts on their behalf. A defeatist attitude is the opposite of crying warrior. A crying warrior cries with energy, direction and a heart full of expectancy. This changes the climate of her heart to impart hope and yes, even joy. We can be joyful while shedding tears. God weeps and laughs.

Don’t pollute the atmosphere with moping, bad moods, defeat and depression—that is the enemy’s territory. God’s territory is tears with a mission to accomplish the impossible.

Step 2. Feel God’s heartbeat!

It’s an absolute crime to waste our tears on nothing! It’s wasting ammunition! Our tears need to hit the mark–a bulls-eye every time! Tears become the overflow valve of what we feel. It is imperative for us to feel the heartbeat of God or our tears will be usurped by self-pity, the devil’s ultimate goal for our gift.

Step 3. Redeem your tears!

Jeremiah 9.20 tells us to “Teach your daughters to wail, teach them to mourn!” I beg your pardon?  I thought we wanted them to laugh! Yes, we should live a life of laughter, but as Golda Meir (fourth Prime Minister of Israel) points out, “Those who don’t know how to weep with their whole heart don’t know how to laugh either.” Why? God knows a woman will cry. He created her to do so more than any other creature. He knows we must be taught what to cry for and how to cry otherwise we will cry over stupid little things than have no value, or worse, are destructive.

We must pass on the legacy to our children that when something goes wrong it is not a time to weep for ourselves, but a time to weep for what God wants. Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. Golda Meir must have known her Bible. Will we teach our daughters?

I remember hearing the story that came from Watchman Nee about a woman who noticed another lady crying profusely. She went up to her and instead of the usual, "What’s the matter, dear?" she asked her, "Who are you crying for?" Was she crying for herself or were her tears for another? Often we use our tears on ourselves so that we have nothing left to pour out in intercession for others.

Step 4. Turn your weapon around!

We cannot afford to waste one teardrop crying with self-pity! It’s like having a powerful weapon with the barrel pointed our way. It ends up exploding in our own face. It can turn a beautiful woman’s face to ugliness in seconds!  It is alluring to cry for yourself, but before you know it, snap, the enemy has your mind. And there goes your life and motherhood, as well as your face! The quote is true, “The greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed!” Don’t even go there. A warrior wears her tears like jewelry; the other tears are like acid on your face.

Step 5. Let God choose your battles!

You may be tempted to use tears every time your heart breaks or someone tells you their problem. A true warrior must confront the battles that are specifically given to them. Rushing to every battle shows bad strategy and weakens the warrior. Do not take everyone’s battles—let God chose them.

Step 6. Don’t waste your tears!

There are times when you naturally cry more. Who knows what happens to our brains when we get pregnant! We laugh more and cry more and half the time we don’t even know why. But don’t waste these times when you feel more emotional and compassionate. Use them to feel the hurt of others and intercede for them.

Elite warriors of the world spend incredible amounts of time using their weapons under extremely uncomfortable circumstances. Despite any situation they face, they become a deadly threat to the enemy!  Fellow warriors, if they can learn to defeat self-pity over circumstances while using human weapons for the sake of a country, then surely we can get over ourselves to war for the heart of God. Inform yourself, pray and find out where injustice is being practiced—then cry out with intercession.  Ready, set, fire--tears with a mission!

Who would have thought that we were created to be the SEAL Snipers for God!  When our tears mix with God’s, teardrops of bombs explode on whatever is unjust! The puritan men prayed for this gift but God gave it to us. We must wake up and wail. The Chinese say that “When sleeping women wake, mountains move.”

Mountains need moving in our generation.

Human Trafficking: Approximately 8-900,000 human beings are trafficked across international borders every year.

Slavery: There are roughly 27 million slaves today, more than all 400 years of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The International Labor Office estimates slaves generate 32 billion dollars annually. Slavery now rivals drugs and illegal arms for the top illegal activity on this planet.

Abortion: This not only propels the above trades but kills an innocent life every 24 seconds.

Corrupt Governments: We don’t need to look in the distant past to see dictators oppressing people in Burma, parts of Africa and the Middle East.

We as women can move these mountains! I beg your pardon?  What can I do without becoming a Criminal Justice lawyer or without leaping out of the home away from my own children to help the orphans?  Without going to Thailand to set up a Rescue Shop?  You can do the best thing ever! Cry in intercession. Psalm 34:17 says, “The righteous cry and the Lord hears.” My own great-grandmother (who was blind in her latter years) cried day and night for the coming generations of our family. Hundreds of thousands of people have come to know God because she simply took up her weapon. Hannah cried and the world got Samuel. Mary cried and Jesus’ feet were anointed. Esther cried and God’s people got justice.

We can tip the bowls of Heaven. When interceding tears meet with God’s, they have the power to alter society and generations to come, to change governments and deliver people and nations caught in unbelievable situations. This is justice and this is how women fight!

Your friend always – Vangi

P.S.  A lifetime of crying does not dry out this gland!

Primm Springs, Tennessee, USA

Howard and Evangeline are the blessed parents of 10 children.



The Power of Families Praying Together

prayingfamThe family is the first institution that God ordained. The family is the foundation of society. God wants our families to be strong. When families are strong, they strengthen society around them and ultimately the nation.

We can be a close-knit, loving family and yet live to ourselves. I believe we should lift up our eyes to see what an influence we can be as a family to the world. One of the greatest ways we can influence the world is by prayer. The power of praying families is enormous.

Prayer should be part of every home. Jesus said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” If our home belongs to the Lord, it will be a home of prayer. That means prayers will be conducted daily. That means prayer will happen spontaneously throughout the day. That means prayer will be very natural in our home. It will be as familiar as breathing to our children. As my husband often states, “If we haven’t taught our children to pray, we haven’t taught them.”

One of the most powerful times in our home is our Family Devotions each evening where everyone prays around the table—father, mother and all the children and whoever else happens to be at the table. We pray for current needs. We pray for our nation. I think the greatest thing that every family could do at this time is to pray together for our nation. It is when we humble ourselves and pray that God will to save our nation.

We also pray for the nations of the world. It is amazing that we can sit around our dinner table in the Tennessee woods and yet see mighty things happen for God in countries of the world to which we haven’t even visited.

Sometimes we will encourage each one to pray for a country that is on their heart or comes to their mind. Currently we are using the book 100 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window. After our Bible reading, we read the information about the city in the book. This last week we have been praying for the cities of Casablanca in Morocco, El Aaiun in Western Sahara, Nouakchott in Mauritania, Dakar in Senegal, Banjul in Gambia and Bissau in Guinea Bissau. We are certainly learning our geography! The children learn about the world at the same time they learn to forget about themselves and instead pray for needy, persecuted and often enslaved people in other cities and countries of the world. You can also use Operation World: Day to Day Guide to Praying for the World.

I love this Scripture in Leviticus 26:8 where God says, “Five of you shall chase an hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.” The greatest way to pursue your enemies is by prayer and intercession.

How many children in your family? Do you have three! With you and your husband and your children (five of you) you can put 100 enemies to flight! This is amazing! This is powerful! No wonder Satan seeks to get us interested in doing everything else but pray together as a family. Dear mother, I know. There are a thousand things that turn up to lure us away from this powerful ministry. There are even “good things” that will keep us from this “best” task of moving the hand of God in prayer. Watch out for extra-curricular activities which rob us of much togetherness as a family, as especially prayer times.

This powerful ministry doesn’t just happen. You have to make it happen. You have to make it a commitment. But you can do it. I have proved it over years and years and we are still doing it today.

As it comes to this culminating moment of the day when we have the Family Altar and pray together, I am aware of the power of what is happening. We are reaching out beyond our four walls. We are going into nations of the world that are closed to the Gospel. We are going into countries where we could be killed for preaching the Gospel—but we are going in by prayer. God is hearing our cries. He hears the cries of the children.  He loves children’s prayers.

The more people we have around our table, the more prayer goes up to the throne of grace. The more children you have praying around your table, the more impact you have upon the world. Praying together is the most important thing you can do together as a family.

The enemies of God will bite the dust as you and your family pray.

Above Rubies,

The above books mentioned can be purchased by calling 818 577 5599.

You are welcome to copy this article and forward it to your friends or through your Blogs and Face books. This message must go out to woo families back to praying together for our nation and the nations of the world. Nancy

Above Rubies Address

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