teachToObeyNo wonder we need to fill our hearts with God's Word. It's filled with principles for our success (Joshua 1:8). Here's one secret for you and your children today. "Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand in the presence of kings. He will not stand in the presence of unknown men" (Proverbs 22:29 HCSB). The word "skilful" in the Hebrew also means "quickly, ready." It comes from "mahar" meaning, "to be hasty, hurry, speedily, swiftly."

Whatever gift God has given to us, or to our children, we must not only learn to be diligent and skilful in that gift, but to be eager and ready to use it whenever the opportunity arises. It is easy to dream about doing something, but that doesn't get it done. We have to hasten to do it. I am sad when people hold back in sharing the gift God has given them. I love it when people respond immediately.

We must train our children from the beginning to be "ready" to share their gifts and abilities. They should not only do it when they are in the mood to do it, but as the Bible says to "be instant in season, out of season" (2 Timothy 4:2). We must train our children to obey us immediately, not lazily and in their own time.

Tell your children you are watching out for those who will obey the most speedily or who will respond immediately to help you or someone else. Reward those children.

A child who gets into the habit of running to obey or help someone is preparing for success. They are training for a future life of standing in the presence of "kings." God's Word does not come back to Him void. I am now in my seventies and yet am amazed when many times a young person will quite happily sit in their chair and watch me go downstairs to retrieve something. (Of course I don't mind because it's another opportunity for me for exercise while they stagnate!) Now and then one will say, "I'll get it for you" and go immediately. That's the attitude that will make way for great things for that person.

Success doesn't suddenly happen. We train our children for success with training their attitudes NOW--a most important habit is teaching them to RUN SWIFTLY to obey, to accomplish a task, to help someone, or to bless someone with their gift.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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